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He was feeling more tired than usual and the moment his head hit the pillow he was sound asleep.

Dreams were not an uncommon thing for demigods. He himself had had countless dreams of the Underworld and Tartarus that had left him sleepless.

Now as he stood somewhere black as the Nyx not able to see anything, he knew it was another dream.

"How much longer do we have to wait for? We have awaited enough Mother." An ugly deep voice booms from somewhere infront of him.

"Patience, dear." A feminine voice, husky and crackling spoke next to him. "The time is to come. We will rise again." The voice promises.

He tries to look around but everything was pitch black. The scene started to shift. He was under moonlight and he felt cold. He was standing on a land of ice and he slightly shivered. The sound of rattling of chains from behind him tensed him and he turned around. But before he could even get a glace he was slipping away.

He blinked awake, still feeling a little chill. He sat up on his bed looking around the dark cabin room. He assumed it was still dark outside because well there are no windows. He got off the bed and searched for his shoes and hoodie. Towing them on he slipped out of his cabin.

He had no idea where he was going, he just wished he won't have to deal with the cleaning harpies. He found himself going towards the strawberry fields. The entrance of the Big house still had its fire going and he stared at the dancing fire from distance. He settled down on the ground after a while, his eyes gazing up at the moon. He was used to going out after sleepless nights. No one usually bothered him. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that he was the son of Hades.

Minutes or even hours passed. If it wasn't for the fact that it was a silent night he wouldn't have heard the weak cry for help. He was on his feet the next moment, straining his ears in all direction. He heard it again this time louder and clearer from the direction of the magical pine tree.

It was something he learnt at camp, don't ignore a cry for help. He was running towards it, without falling on his face thanks to the moonlight. Chiron should wake up soon. He better wake up others.

As he neared the camp's boarder line he saw the two figures emerging from the dark forest. One was a satyr, he had seen him around the camp. The other was a boy, he couldn't really see because the guy was dragged along with the help of the satyr and half of his face was caked in dried blood.

He rushed to hold up the guy as the satyr looked seconds from giving up. "Hey, I got him. What happened?" He asked trying to calm the terrified looking satyr. He could hear the horn blowing off in the Big house. Help should be coming soon. He lifted the boy in bridal style for easier way to climb downhill.

"We didn't knew it was still following us. We thought we lost it. We were almost here but then it caught up with us ...and.. and.." the satyr rambled with wide eyes. He also seemed to half injured his legs.

"Hey! It's okay. It's fine. Chiron is coming. They are going to heal him and you also."

"But I was supposed to protect him and he almost died-" whatever he was about to say was cut off by the guy mumbling some incoherent words and stirring in his arms. The guy blinked his eyes blearily at him.

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