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He remembered getting thrown onto a tree by the huge ugly monster he was trying to hold back. His vision was clouded with black spots. His head hurt like a bitch. So did his left leg, left arm almost the whole left side of his body. He could faintly hear Sam Greenwood, his satyr companion playing his reed, like a buzz in his head.

He tried to push himself up but his arms gave up and he landed back on the ground with a groan. He could hear Sam speaking but he couldn't understand. He realised he's probably having a concussion.

He lost his consciousness after that and he remembered someone looking down at him as he mumbled something even he himself couldn't understand. He blacked out again. Then he woke up on something feeling like a bed, he saw the white around him before he slipped away again.

Now as he sat up in the bed looking around frantically, he realised he was in a room looking like an infirmary. The sudden movement sent a jolt of pain through his left arm and he winced. A hand touched his shoulders and he flinched away hard. He turned to look at the owner of the hand. It was a girl probably around his age maybe older. He then realised she was saying something to him and he tried to listen.

".... hand is still healing. Don't put strain on it. And calm down you are safe." He tried to even out his breathing and looked up at her again.

"Where am I? Wh-where is Sam? He-he.. the mon-nster. I-" the girl patted him on his good arm soothingly.

"You are fine. You are safe now. So is Sam. You are at the infirmary of camp half blood. I'm a healer. You have been unconscious for a whole day. Your injuries were pretty bad but now you're all healed up except for your arm and ankle which will also heal up soon."

He tried to wrap his head around the fact that he was finally at camp half blood. Sam had tried to explain to him on the journey trying to not freak him out. The journey was not exactly sunshine and daisies. Sam had been of great help since he himself didn't know what to do.

He had just started taking in the fact that Greek gods are a thing and they exist, few days ago. Then he learnt that monsters trying to eat to was the most common thing to a half blood. Now Kayla, as she introduced, explained to him that demigods heal faster than mortals with the help of nectar and ambrosia (which he had no idea what was supposed to be).

She said her brother who is the head counselor of Apollo cabin will be here to take him to meet Chiron (the activities director. Sam had mentioned him.)

Austin was blond too just like his sister and he thought that must be an Apollo thing. Kayla gave him a crutch which was hard to use seeing his left hand was also not being of any help.

He somehow made it work with the help of Austin as he took him to Chiron's office room. Inside the room was a middle aged guy with long brown hair and beard. He wore a pale green sweater over a shirt with a blazer thrown over it and was settled on a wheelchair. He looked around, but the room was empty but for him. He thought Sam said something about a centaur.

The guy, Chiron offered him a chair and he sat down with Austin joining him.

Austin told the guy about the condition of his body and the details Kayla had told him earlier.

"That's good. You don't have to worry Jimin. You are going to be back healthy in no time soon. I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me?"

He stared at the man for a few seconds before clearing his throat. "Yeah, I do. Are you.. Chiron?" He asked warily.

The guy chuckled. "I am. You don't look so convinced."

"Well actually Sam told me something about a centaur. Where's Sam by the way?"

"Sam Greenwood is absolutely fine. He is in the camp and he is also safe. And for a centaur.. Don't you think it would be inconvenient to sit behind a table in four legs?" Chiron quirked his eyebrow with a teasing smile.

"That monster?"

"Gone. Monsters and mortals won't be able to cross the Camp's borderline." He nodded in relief. Chiron continued. "I'm sure you have many more to ask but I have sent for someone to show you around. They will answer any of your questions and you can always come to me too." Chiron said as he rolled the wheelchair from behind the desk.

For a moment he thought Chiron was going to stand up but then was left mouth wide open as the guy rose from the wheelchair. A body and two legs covered in brown pelt followed by the other two.

He stared at the centaur blinking straight for a whole minute before snapping out of it. Austin helped him back on his feet as he loosely clutched the crutch.

Chiron now was a lot taller and he had to look up to face him. Chiron exited the room followed slowly by him and Austin.

As he followed them out he realised it was a huge house. Outside he saw a field a little far away to his right. He was busy looking around that he didn't pay attention to the conversation between Chiron and Austin and didn't saw the guy who almost ran into him.

The guy shot him a wide smile before looking up at Chiron. "Good morning Chiron! How you doing?"

"Taehyung" it was not a question, just a statement followed with a sigh. "You volunteered?"

"Of course! I'll show him around. I'll explain anything he need. Just leave it to me." Taehyung replied with a promising smirk.

"I thought you were getting ready for your quest?"

"Pulleaase! I'll take care of it. Don't you worry Chiron." Taehyung replied with the the same goofy smile. He don't know why but the guy made him smile with his silliness.

Chiron turned to say something about Hermes cabin to Austin, when Taehyung called for a guy who was walking by them. "Hey Jungkook.!!" Taehyung went to the guy talking to his casually.

The guy wore a fit black t-shirt and a black jeans. He realised he himself was wearing a neon orange t-shirt with the camp's symbol like Austin and Taehyung with a shorts. He watched the new guy curiously as he didn't return the wide smile Taehyung had on his face, just a small genuine smile. He watched Taehyung gesturing towards him and the guy turned to meet his eyes. He didn't look angry or sad but the expression was just indifferent, maybe a bit curious. The contact lasted for less than a second. Then the guy was nodding along to whatever Taehyung was saying with a smile. After a quick few words Taehyung seemed to be retreating.

His name falling from Chiron's mouth made him look up at him. He caught the word 'orientation film' from among the many.

"Orientation film?" He asked aloud curiously.

Before Chiron could answer there was a loud whine from Taehyung. "The orientation film? Really Chiron. Leave the poor guy alone."

Chiron turned to playfully glare the boy. "It's mandatory , Taehyung."

"We could just explain it to him minus the awkward weird cringey song."

"You know it's Mr.D's order."

Taehyung rolled his eyes at that. "Okay I'll have him back for that after lunch."

Chiron agreed with Taehyung happily dragging him away to show him around the camp for the children of gods. Has his life always been this weird? Maybe.

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