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He was training with Namjoon because many put forth the opinion that he maybe shouldn't duel with Taehyung. Namjoon was patient with him and went easy on him when needed. The movement of the sword came easy to him, Chiron was right.

He tried to get used to the heavy armour and helmet. The armour was a bit big on his but he made it work. By the end of the session his whole body was aching and he was sweating. He had a few bruises and cut but nothing major.

Archery with Chiron didn't went so great. He didn't kill anyone in the process so he called it a win.

It was his free time so he was walking along the beach. He looked around frantically when felt eyes on him. There was no one around the beach except for him. When his eyes fell on the waves he noticed the few pair of sea green eyes looking back at him. For a moment he went into panic. He was alone with no weapon with him, but then he realised they were giggling. He took a few steps forward his feet touching the waves lapping against the shore. He didn't felt threatened as he approached them.

He got a good view of them and he realised they looked like girls with hair dark as midnight and sea green eyes dressed in gossamer white dresses that billowed around them in water. There were three of them.

"Hey." He greeted awkwardly which they responded with more giggles.

"Son of Poseidon." One of them greeted back or he assumed they said it because no one else was around.

The three played some more in the waves before they glowed green and vanished.

"Things like this should stop weirding me out." He said aloud to himself as he walked back up to the beach.

"They looked like girls. Long hair, green eyes. Just in the waves." He tried to explain to Taehyung who was looking through some books he borrowed from the Athena cabin.

"Nereids. They are called nereids The Nereids are the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris. They are minor sea goddesses and matrons of both sailors and fishermen.Their freshwater cousins are known as the Naiads.". Taehyung explained. "Maybe they just decided to visit you since you have been claimed as the son of Poseidon."

"Oh. That actually makes sense. They even addressed me as son of Poseidon."

Taehyung stopped in motion and turned to look at him, wide eyed. "They talked to you?"


"Wow. That's so cool Jimin." He almost screeched. "You can understand what they are saying."

"Oh. That's a Poseidon thing?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah. You must be able to talk to other water creatures too."

"Oh." He exclaimed happily.

"Now." Taehyung placed a heavy looking book onto his lap. "These are about some monsters, their appearance, their abilities, good bad or neutral, and how to defeat them." Taehyung tapped his finger on the open page.

"This is only some?" He asked eyeing the thick book. Taehyung chuckled.

"You better get started."

"Am I still sitting alone? You didn't sit with me for breakfast and lunch." He asked curiously as he made his way to the dining pavilion.

"We try not to sit on other tables a lot so that we don't piss Chiron off. If he is in a good mood or feeling sympathy for us, maybe he would not mind. Let's see if he minds." Taehyung snickered.

After the daily dining ritual he sat at the Poseidon table with Taehyung bickering away. He glanced at the Hades table to find that indeed Jungkook was there dressed in black like always

"Do you think he would mind if you go to his table?" He asked gesturing towards him.

"Jungkook? I don't suppose so. Have you like talked to him?"

"Not really. But I can't say no. It was not much of a talk but still you could consider it talking, because well exchanging words is supposed to be a conversation. So technically we did talk. .. but not that many."

"Yes! All you should have said was yes." Taehyung rolled his eyes before standing up with him following suit.

"Hey Jungkook. You mind if we join?" Taehyung asked cheerfully sliding opposite to Jungkook before he could even answer.

"You are already seated, why do you even bother asking?" Jungkook mumbled with a sigh, his eyes still still on his food.

"Mind if I join?" His voice must have surprised him because Jungkook gazed up at him startled. As he tried to bit back a chuckle Jungkook muttered a soft nope.

He sat next to Taehyung with a smile, who started rambling about him finding Riptide and his progress in sword fighting.

"Though he is not good at remembering things. He's got trouble identifying monsters, but that should get better right? I was shit at it too in the beginning."

"Why are you talking about me like I am not here?" He asked. Seriously he was curious if the other had forgotten the fact that he was right next to him.

Taehyung smiled at him apologetic. "Sorry. You know this. When I start ramb-"

"When you start rambling you can't stop yourself, you forget your surroundings. I know". He cut him off sarcastically with an eye roll. He caught Jungkook watching the exchange between them with a smile.

"It's actually really mean making us sit by ourselves." He mumbled in between bites.

"They maybe thought this would keep us from killing each other." Jungkook said with a smile, though he didn't think it was completely a joke.

"Is that really a big deal, between the Big three gods.?"

"Well Zeus doesn't let Hades in Olympus. None of the gods are fond of Hades so you can't really say they have the best relationship. As for the tables, maybe the gods find it offending that their child is not seated on the one made for him?" Jungkook shrugged unbothered.

"I really don't care about it. I am here saving myself from being eaten by monsters. I am gonna sit wherever I want." Taehyung rolled his eyes, huffing. But then he paused with panicked eyes, turning to Jungkook. "You really don't mind me sitting here, do you? I swear if I have known, I wouldn't have bothered you. Do you want me to move? Gosh I am so stup-"

"Taehyung shut up will you?" Jungkook cut him off. He did sound genuine when he said. "I don't mind you sitting with me. If I did I would have walked right out of here. Infact it's... actually nice." He admitted shyly. "Though I don't understand why you even bothered to approach me. It's not like I talk a lot."

"That's exactly why he's keeping you around." He answered instead, with a teasing smile. "You are the only one who listen to him rambling without interrupting him." Taehyung shoved him with a pout.

"That's not it okay?... Well... Maybe it's partially true? But you're a cool guy. When Hosoek asked me to meet with you, I decided if I can maybe get to know you, this quest might become a bit more easier and not awkward. Though you scared me lot back then, now that I know you it's easy to get past that. Not that you're not scary anymore. Believe me dude, you're hella scary."

That made Jungkook smile. Which to him made Jungkook look the opposite of scary.

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