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"We should check by a warehouse complex a few metres to the south. I am pretty sure that's where they landed considering the motion of the ship." Yoongi said as he viewed at a map on the monitor screen. "We just need to find a place to land." He said absent-mindedly searching through the map.

"Where can we land a ship 200 feet long? Are we heading for the airport?" He asked. Namjoon was with Jin in the lounge feeding him ambrosia.

"Festus ran a check. There's a park near. We are landing there."

"I really hope Mist would do its magic and make it look atleast believable." He muttered leaving for the deck.

"Actually Namjoon you stay here with Jin. Guard the ship. We will find them and return soon." Yoongi told Namjoon as he tried to followed them onto the ground. He knew the latter wanted to stay behind.

He followed Yoongi in the direction, he mentioned. They tried to hurry as it's been quite a few minutes actually. They reached the warehouse complex at last and he heard a loud deep masculine laugh from one of the warehouses. His eyes widened and as he turned to look at Yoongi, he was looking at something to his right. Following his gaze he found a logo painted on one of the walls. 'Monocle Motors', with one large red eye painted on top of it. He has heard a lot of them. Cyclops.


He knows he was screaming at some point but had fortunately stopped, realising what good screaming was going to get him from getting smashed flat on the ground.

He saw the city lights below. The wind howled in his ears as he fell. He must have let go of Hosoek's hand or Hosoek must have let go of him, because he realised Hosoek was not near him. He was several feet under Hosoek and a few feet away from him. He tried not to flail around and steadied his limbs.

As he looked down he saw a factory complex. Wow this fall is going to hurt. From somewhere further above him he heard Taehyung.

"Jimin! The water." Did Taehyung jump out the ship? He craned his head up and caught a glimpse of Taehyung shooting down the sky like Superman. When he realised what Taehyung had said he looked down seeing the water reservoir.

Falling in water would be better than concrete. The reservoir was not directly beneath him. If he could just move a bit to his left. He turned, slanting, trying to put weight towards his left. It worked. He tried to point his feet downward. Falling on water flat hurt like getting hit by a brick wall. He knew that.

He splashed right into the water. He thought the force with which he had fallen he should have atleast broken the concrete floor. But he didn't. He somehow felt the water itself forming a cushion under his making a safe landing.

Of course Taehyung had meant aim for the water because he was son of Poseidon. He himself had forgot about that in the hassle of falling to death.

He rose to the surface and his first thought was eww. The water was dirty. He climbed up from the water when it him him. He was not wet. He was from head to toe dry.

He stared at his clothes a little too long shocked. "That was cool." He admitted at last. Being the son of Poseidon sure had its advantages.

He walked forward trying to look at any sign of Hosoek and Taehyung. He wondered why they haven't shouted for him yet. He was deciding to call for them when he noticed the one red eye logo on the wall of the warehouse with 'Monocle Motors' painted under it. He doesn't know why. But it sent chills down his spine.

Ataraxia [BTS au | Heroes of Olympus]Where stories live. Discover now