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My father, he thought in disbelief.
Porphyrion didn’t give him much chance to savour the moment. The giant used his spear in a whirlwind of swipes, jabs and slashes. It was all he could do to stay alive.

Still … Zeus’s presence felt reassuringly familiar. Even though he had never met his father, he was reminded of all his happiest moments – his birthday picnic with Hosoek ; the day Chiron showed him Camp Half-blood for the first time; an afternoon on the beach when his mother had picked him up, kissed him and showed him an oncoming storm. Never be afraid of a thunderstorm, Taehyung. That is your father, letting you know he loves you. Though he hadn't believed her.

Zeus smelled of rain and clean wind. He made the air burn with energy. Up close, his lightning bolt appeared as a bronze rod a metre long, pointed on both ends, with blades of energy extending from both sides to form a javelin of white electricity. He slashed across the giant’s path and Porphyrion collapsed into his makeshift throne, which crumbled under the giant’s weight.

"No throne for you," Zeus growled. "Not here. Not ever."

"You cannot stop us!" the giant yelled. "The earth mother will wake."

In answer, Zeus blasted the throne to rubble. The giant king flew backwards out of the temple and he ran after him, his father at his heels.

They backed Porphyrion to the edge of the cliffs, the whole of modern Athens spread out below. Lightning had melted all the weapons in the giant’s hair. Molten Celestial bronze dripped through his dreadlocks like caramel. His skin steamed and blistered. Porphyrion snarled and raised his spear. "Your cause is lost, Zeus. Even if you defeat me, the Earth Mother shall simply raise me again!"

"Then perhaps," Zeus said, "you should not die in the embrace of Gaia. Taehyung, my son …"

He had never felt so good, so recognized, as when his father said his name. Now he had no doubt: he was the son of Zeus, god of the sky. He was his father’s child.

He advanced.

Porphyrion lashed out wildly with his spear, but he cut it in half with his sword. He charged in, jabbing his sword through the giant’s breastplate, then summoned the winds and blasted Porphyrion off the edge of the cliff.

As the giant fell, screaming, Zeus pointed his lightning bolt. An arc of pure white heat vaporized Porphyrion in midair. His ashes drifted down in a gentle cloud, dusting the tops of the olive trees on
the slopes of the Acropolis.

Zeus turned to him. His lightning bolt flickered off, and Zeus clipped the Celestial bronze rod to his belt. The god’s eyes were stormy grey. His salt-and-pepper hair and his beard looked like stratus clouds. He found it strange that the lord of the universe, king of Olympus, was only a few inches taller than he was.

"My son." Zeus clasped his shoulder. "There is so much I would like to tell you …"

The god took a heavy breath, making the air crackle. "Alas, as king of the gods, I must not show favouritism to my children. When we return to the other Olympians, I will not be able to praise you as much as I would like, or give you as much credit as you deserve."

"I don’t want praise." His voice quavered. "Just a little time together would be nice. I mean, I don’t even know you."

Zeus’s gaze was as far away as the ozone layer. "I am always with you, Taehyung. I have watched your progress with pride, but it will never be possible for us to be …"

He curled his fingers, as if trying to pluck the right words out of the air. Close. Normal. A true father and son.  "Your journey has shaped you, made you both kind and great. You have proven yourself a true hero."

His emotions were a jumble in his chest. He didn't say anything. Zeus walked away towards the other gods and demigods.

Nothing was left of the giants except heaps of ash, a few spears and some burning dreadlocks.

The Argo II was still aloft, barely, moored to the top of the Parthenon. Half the ship’s oars were broken off or tangled. Smoke streamed from several large splits in the hull. The sails were peppered with burning holes.

Yoongi looked almost as bad. He stood in the midst of the temple with the other crewmembers, his face covered in soot, his clothes smouldering. But then he noticed Jimin. Tears flowed down his cheeks, tensing him up and he looked around frantically. The group of seven half bloods now had only six. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

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