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He followed Hosoek to the fire in the dining pavilion like everybody else and scrapped down a portion of his food into the fire as a offering to the gods since he wasn't claimed yet. Taehyung said the gods liked the smell of burnt food which he didn't know if he was being serious or joking.

He sat with Taehyung again, Hosoek joining his own cabin table. Taehyung explained the usual schedule to him. Some were not following them for now since they were helping the ones get ready for the quest. He would also have to start following the schedule starting tomorrow as he would be recovered.

He saw Mr. D who is actually Dionysus with Chiron also at the dining pavilion, totally was not how he expected his first meeting with a god. Taehyung was saying something about Mr. D's punishment which is to spent 100 years as the camp director.

Whatever Taehyung was about to say was cut off by collective gasps from around the room. He followed Taehyung's gaze to the Athena table. He recognised the blond girl whom Taehyung described as the unclaimed one.

Now she had a golden glow over her head with the symbol of a golden harp floating in the middle of air. Some smiled at the happy look on her face. Not long after everyone's eyes was on him.

She has just been claimed. By Apollo. That can either mean two things. 1) he is the child of Poseidon or 2)the child of Poseidon has not come to the camp. He knew the latter was not likely to happen. He turned back to look at Taehyung who was looking at something above his head.

He followed suit and saw the Trident in the green glow floating above his own head. He watched until it was vanishing away. There was pin drop silence around him.

Without meeting Taehyung's concerned eyes he stood up from the table keeping his eyes down and walked out.

He thinks it has finally hit him. One of his parents is a Greek god. He will attract monsters because he smells tasty to them. He has to spend his life fighting and running away from monsters. He wondered how all these people can still smile realising this is what their life has now become.

He remembered reading somewhere.
'If you are going through hell ,keep going'

Looks like that's exactly what his life has now become. But he was willing to keep going. He had watched these teenagers go about their life here, finding happiness in the smallest of things. Maybe he would too and he wanted to find out.

He hadn't realised he was still walking. He found himself going to the beach watching the sun set. The red sky looked beautiful and it made him unknowingly smile. The cool wind calmed his mind and he exhaled deeply.

That's when he realised he was not alone. He saw a black figure sitting a bit to his right on the rocky embankment. Before he could even stop his legs took him forward to the guy. The footsteps made the guy snap around to look at him. When their eyes met he stopped dead on his feet staring back with wide eyes.

The guy Jungkook, he remembered, raised his eyebrows at him questioningly. He stuttered to say something and finally let out a weak 'hi'.

"Hey". The Hades' son finally greeted back a little cautiously. When he said no more, Jungkook turned around facing the sea again.

Ataraxia [BTS au | Heroes of Olympus]Where stories live. Discover now