Christopher The Hero💪🏾

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The next day...
Bey's POV
Well, I'm glad to have Chris in my life. Dad is in jail, my mom is not mad at me, and momma J loves me and my mom. I stayed with Chris that night again and made love all over again. I'm addicted to his dick. ADDICTED. He is the most freakiest guy ever. We ride together to school and he drives me. He parks and I kiss him. And he kisses me back and we start making out. We get out of the car and he puts me infront of him and I feel his hard on poking me.
Bey: omg, did I do that?
Chris: yes and it won't go away.
Bey: think of something bad.
We walk into class.
Professor: ok class, it's safe to say that all but one student had passed the test with an 80% or higher. Here you guys go. She hands us all our tests and I look at Chris and he got an 88%. I turn my test over and it's a 60%. I instantly tear up. I leave before Chris can catch me crying. He runs after me and presses me against the lockers.
Chris: baby it's ok. It's just one test. And I-
Bey: you don't understand! You don't! I'm not smart!! I don't wanna go here anymore! Even after dad us in jail, mom and my aunts and uncles and sister and cousins all are forcing me to go here.
Chris: well guess what I'm in the same boat. And you know what. You trust me?
Bey: ofc.
Chris: *hugs her into her chest* then let's not go anymore
Bey: omg! I can't. 
Chris: yes you can. We'll find a different one for dancers and singers. It'll be our little secret. *kisses her and she makes out with him* mm them lips girl.
Bey: stop it! You're making me horny again.
Chris: let's just do it here infront of everyone.
Bey: omg stop!
We get our stuff and make up and excuse and leave. We hop into his car and drives us away. We sing and have no idea where he's taking me. He parks at this really nice park. There seems to be a table with food and says reserved for omg. Beyoncé and Christopher. Aww he planned this all along. He opens the door for me and I get out. I kiss him and grab his hand as we walk twoards the table. The sunset is so beautiful with it. He stops and gets down on his knees. He proposing? Damn as soon as he hit it, he ready to wifey me up.
I know it's only been 2 weeks hanging out. But it's the best 2 weeks of my life. You are so important to me and I honestly never felt a love like this. I'm so crazy about you and you're all I ever think about. I want to protect you at all costs. I promise to-
I shut him up and kiss him.
Bey: yes I'll be your girlfriend! That shouldn't have even been a question!
Chris: really?😭
Bey: is you in some drugs or somethin? You've done soo much for me and it's been the best 2 weeks of my life too. I care for you in the same exact way! I love you CHRISTOPHER MAURICE BROWN!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
Bey: aww I wanna take your last name too!!
I can't believe how fast we are falling for each other. We hug and kiss and takes my hand leading to the table. He is such a gentlemen. He bring my chair out for me to sit and I scotch in and he sits down. He's so cute. He got us Buffalo Wild Wings makin it seem like he really had something made😂but amateur! He should know I like Popeyes the best! Bad start! But Buffalo Wild Wings does come a close second. We eat and we can't take each other's eyes off each other. Just so in love. I look behind him and fuck! Nononono!
Chris POV
I see her stare at something behind me.
Chris: you ok? Who's there?
I turn around and don't see anyone. She looks very uncomfortable all of a sudden.
Chris: Baby, are you ok??
Bey: um I'm fine. I a I a think I just wanna go home. Right now. Please. Right now.
Chris: what? We ain't even done eating yet? Beyoncé what did you see?
Wtf?? I ain't wanna drop her home.
The people around us stared staring at us.
Chris: ok ok! Fine! Shh you're making everyone stare. As if I'm hurting you.
Bey: Get your shit and let's leave.
I'm so confused. I throw our garbage in the trash. I reach for her hand but she dosent take it and puts her arms together instead. I give up and we just walk twoards the car. All of a sudden, I hear this guys voice.
Mystery man: Excuse me miss! Do you need help? Should I call the cops? You hurting her bro?
Chris: WHAT?! I need you to go back and mind your own fucking business. I ain't lay one fuckin finger in her so back the fuck up!*pushes guy*
I get in the car and Bey already in there turning her head away. I floor it out of there. It is a long akward drive home. Not a word spoken. I get to the front of her house and park.
Chris: Bey I -
She leaves and slams my door. Her mom isn't home. I get out and run after her. I pin her and turn her against the door.
Chris: Beyoncé! Your scaring me baby! What was wrong back there?? Why are you being so mean to me?
Bey: just leave me alone Chris please. Please leave. *avoids eye contact*
Chris: but we were j-
Bey: I SAID GO!!!*pushes him down the stairs and runs inside and slams and locks the door*
Wtf?! My heart is breaking. I leave go back to home. That was hella rude. I walk in and mom is in the kitchen.
Momma J: hey baby! *gasps* what's wrong??
I go to her and cry and hug her.
Chris: I'm soo scared for Bey
I tell her what happened as we sit and snack on food.
Momma J: well that wasn't nice.
Chris: do you think we're over? I-I'm so confused and sad. I had a whole day and night planned.
Momma J: oh baby, ofc she still loves you. It just seems like she may have had an apifany. She'll come around. All of a sudden, we both hear a loud shreek. ITS BEYONCÉ!!!! Momma and I run down the two blocks to where she lives. Man everyone is at work. I hear her screaming louder. The door is locked ofc but idc that's my wifey in there.
Momma J: Chris break the window I'll call the police and wait for them out here
She calls the police and I smash the window. I climb in and hear Bey screaming from the kitchen. I run in and see this guy. Omg. Trying to take her clothes off. She is kicking and screaming for mercy. Not on my watch. I pick up a kitchen knife and stab him in his side and lift him up and throw him across the house. I yeeted his ass. I grab Bey but she starts swatting me away.
All of a sudden, I get shot.
Bey's POV
Fuck I was hopping this wouldn't happen. My baby just got shot and landed ontop of me. He collapses ontop of me and I have his blood all over me! NONO NOOOOO!!! All of a sudden, I see momma J and she runs in. Jay is no where to be found. He left, IM GONNA KILL HIM! Chris is bleeding from his stomach really bad. My baby🥺
Momma J: omg! My son! Beyoncé are you ok?? Omg, did a guy try and r-
Bey: *crying* yes😭
Momma J: omg my two babies. Don't worry baby boy, help is on its way.
Chris: *barely conscious* I'm sorry Beyonce. For being a bad b-
Bey: shhhh no you weren't baby. It's a lot to explain. You're gonna be ok baby. I love you soo much! Chris? Chris? Chrrriiisss??!!
He's not breathing. Omg!
Momma J&Bey: noooo😭

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