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Chris POV
Ofc, Karruche ass comes in weeping. This hoe really coming towards me. My team and family and Bey's team and family all give her the evil eye. She comes and puts her hand on my shoulder and rubs it crying. Fake ass tears.
Karruche: baby, are you ok? You know I'm always here for you. You know this was the right thing.
Before I say anything-
Joyce: GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SON HOE! Someone go get her cause ohhh lord I'm tryna be good today.
My other family members had to hold both of them back and Beyoncé's step dad held back momma T and my mom. He's a real one. Karruche mom came and brought her back to her side of the court.
Karruche mom: I can obviously see where Beyoncé gets her anger from *giggles*
I'm turning red at this point. Bey comes walking in in cuffs with an officer behind her and tears stained down her face. My baby look so emotionally beat up. She's got REAL tears. We all stand up and she dosent look up once. The judge enters and we all sit down. The Judge gives us the roll out.
Judge: ok. Karruche please take the stand and give your side of the story.
She stood up and she smirked at Bey and Bey just looks defeated. Oooohhh I'm maaaddd. I mean yes Bey fucked up, but this some petty shit. I still love Bey. I know she is not like that. I know the real her. Karruche swears to the oath before taking the stand.
Karruche: *fake sniffs* on December 1st, 2010, Beyonce invited me over to her and Chris house. And ofc I'm a huge fan so I agreed. Plus, I had to tell her the truth. I went over there and she was already very hostile. We all sit down at her GLASS table. I had told them that I was having Chris baby. And had documents which she ripped up and the um the doctor is still trying to find the records and stuff. Anyways, then she shot me and attempted to murder Chris by throwing him into the glass table shattering it in pieces. She started beating him up and I ran away and she threatened to kill me if I said anything. Chris dosent deserve someone like that. And she kicked me in the stomach and I am now no longer pregnant thanks to that RATCHET BITCH OVER THERE!!! WITH HER UGLY ASS TEXAN ACCENT!!!
I- I'm at a loaf for words. Only 10% of that was true. And I love my baby accent. How convenient that she don't got the proper paper work to prove she "pregnant".
Momma T: LET ME AT THIS HOE!!!! *tried getting up but Richard pulls her back down*
Judge: thank you Mrs. Tran, you may be dismissed from the stand. Chris Brown, we call you as witness.
Oh shit.
I get up and pass Karruche walking as she bites her lip looking me up and down. I eye roll at her. And she then goes back to fake weeping rq. I take the oath and give my side.
Judge: your honor, everything she say be bullshit.
Karruche: EXCUSE ME?!
Chris: you're excused. Anyways, Bey wanted to have a nice and civil conversation about why she feels the need to keep coming after us and trying to break me and Beyoncé apart. We sit down and try and have a civilized conversation. But then she "claims" that she's pregnant with my baby, which is farthest from the truth. I didn't even bust a nut when I did it with her. Then-
I paused and looked at Bey looking up at me in tears. I sigh and get an idea of what to say. Oh she owes me one. Sorry lord.
Chris: Beyoncé got upset and felt that Karruche was trying to reach for a weapon and kill Beyoncé! And that's when she shot her! Out of protection and she pushed ME into the glass table. Get this hoe in cuffs.
Officer: your honor!*busts through doors* we have security footage from their home and *bring our projector* here's what really happened!
Fuck. Uughhh WHY BEY WHY?!
I am dismissed and the family looks at me in defeat after hearing that they found proof. And they had a warrant. I keep security cameras bc I'm a celebrity as well as Bey. I sit with my family and don't even look at the nasty hoe in the corner. They play the video and ugh, it shows Bey going crazy. With audio too! The video stops and the Judge presses down his mallet. We all rise.
Judge: Beyoncé, I hear sentence you to 5 year jail time with probation. Court Dismissed
Oh. Thank god. We can break Bey out. I stop the officers taking Bey.
Chris: please can I just have a minute with her. Just one word?!
Officer: you've got 30 seconds.
I pull Bey to the side with the officers holding her.
Bey: don't even bother bailing me out. I'm ruined at this point. You don't love me and the public is now going to want to set me on fire.
I grab her face and kiss her. Her lips taste like tears.
Chris: nonono, I'm gonna get you out. Just gonna take me like a few mins. Baby we rich. I got us. And no. We'll clear everything up with our publicist. I don't hate you. I still love you. And always will. We just gotta work on our frustration a bit that's all. I love you! Plus you're too pretty for jail.
Bey: *blushes* thank you baby. I love you too.
I lean in for another kiss but Officers shove Beyonce away to jail. Shit. C blockers. Karruche and her gang are gone and I walk with my family and team and Bey's. I go to the bathroom rq and take a piss. Man I wanna cheer up my baby. She looked so sad. I wanna kiss her. And make sweet love. I shake my dick and zip back up as the urinal flushes. I turn around and see oh god not again, Karruche annoying ass. She pushes me against the wall and kisses me. I push her away as she tries snaking her hand into my pants and I'm a little hard thinking about what me and Bey gonna do after she gets out.
Karruche: *gets on her knees unzipping his pants* mmm I knew you wanted me instead.
I smirk and have a nasty ass idea. I play along.
Chris: mmm you know what daddy wants.
She pulls my pants down a bit and I try and think of Bey doing this instead getting hard. She pulls my boxers down and she puts her mouth on my dick. She starts sucking horribly away and I told her that I was gonna nut already.
Karruche: wow, I didn't even st-EWW. OMG!!!
I piss on her "accidentally". She backs away in disgust. I zip myself back up. Revenge bitch.
Chris: now you know how Bey feels. Got a taste of your own medicine. Fuck out of here you psycho bitch! Stay away from me and my girl!
Karruche: Oh you'll see. You're gonna be wishing you were back with me! You almost just felt it before!
Chris: I pissed on you. Not nut. Go away!
Karruche: this isn't over! I'll do everything I can to get you back baby! I know we can be a couple again!
Chris: I'm out of here! Fuck you! There will never be an "us"! I'm marrying Beyoncé and getting away from your crazy ass. Go ride Drakes dick or some other guys. Goodbye!
I run out of the bathroom and smirk to myself. She wanted to play dirty, I gave her dirty alright. Ain't no way am I leavin my baby. An hour later and we finally get Bey bailed. I wait for her outside along with everyone else. But in the ally so no paparazzi will find us. 10 minutes later, Bey comes out and we all hooray and crowd and hug her. She gives me soo many kisses. I kiss her too. It's 11;45pm at this point and I'm exhausted from all this stress.
Bey: thank you all so much for yalls support and so incredibly sorry for everything I've done.
Manager Angie: Oh baby, we don't blame you at all!
Momma T: we just glad my baby back! And we all know you're a good person sweetheart.
We all talk for a while and everyone starts to head out to go home and Bey and I jump into the car with no paparazzi in sight. Thank god. It was a quiet ride home.

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