Try, try again

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Bey's POV
Today, Chris is in the studio and I decided to come and surprise him on his lunch break. I get to the studio and head into the elevator. My stomach been feeling a lil queezy. But I figure I'm just hungry or somethin. I have exciting news for him too😁. I get to the studio and see him singin his heart out.
Chris: with you babe yeeaaah.
Producer: ANOTHER BANGER! Uh, you've got a visitor Mr. Brown
Chris: baby!
His face lit up and he ran out of there but his headphones choke him. He throws them off and bursts through the door and hugs and swings me around kissing me.
Producer: remember Chris, ya only get an hour and a half lunch. Then be back by 2:00.
Chris: ok thank you man*daps him up*baby! I missed you!
Bey: I miss you too baby!*kisses him*Imma take us to Popeyes!😁
We head out and in the elevator, I got a little neasus. Odd.
Chris: you ok baby?
Bey: yea*toots*
Chris: ok imma guess ya got a lil gas😂
We both laugh
Chris: why is it that no farts or burps of yours ever smell?
Bey: cause I'm obviously perfect🤷🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️
Chris: yes you are baby*kiss*
Bey: man I'm starving.
Chris: for food or...?
Bey: haha but my kitty need a break.
Chris: I respect dat.
We talk and joke on the way to Popeyes. We get there and walk in and sit. They know me personally and we order our food and sit at the table.
Chris: ok soo baby, what's this news you keep telling me about?
Bey: so, I've been searching studio to studio online and one of them finally called me back! Sony!
He jumps up and lifts me up and kisses me. Everyone laughs and awws. We sit back down next to each other.
Bey: but, let's not get our hopes up. And I'm not doing anymore practicing so I don't end up with the same ordeal.
Chris: I swear I wanted to beat those guys up.
Bey: no no no cause then I'll have to beat you up.
We get our food. And I hound my food down.
Chris: damn baby, I ain't event get that far.
Bey: haha sorry. Popeyes is my shit.
We eat and finish up. We head back home and I feel neasus agai-oh shit. I never took the pill after we had sex a few nights ago.
Chris: you ok baby?
Bey: yes just anxious abt this record deal.
Chris: you've got this babe. All the way.
We walk inside and I try make an excuse to leave.
Bey: fuck! I forgot my wallet at Popeyes. Imma be r-
Chris: it's ok I'll get it
Bey: no! It's ok. I gotta get more lipstick anways.
Chris: oh ok baby. *kisses* be safe
Bey: I will be.
I grab my keys and head out. I drive right to CVS. I run in and grab a pregnancy test box. I purchase it and race home. I run in and see Chris knocked out with his pants unbuckled. He's got about 30 mins left till he has to go back but thank goodness he's close. Imma wake him up after this pregnancy test. Oh man Giselle! I sneak my way to the bathroom and take the test. I wait 15 minutes and oh lord have mercy. It's two lines. Ya girl, is pregnant!😱OMG! My heart starts racing and before I know it, I throw up in the toilet. I hear footsteps running twoards the bathroom. I try and hide the pregnancy test but it was too late. Shit!
Chris POV
I wake up to hear Beyoncé throwing up. I told her she ate too fast. I run to their and I see her throwing up and the pre-oh my god. A pregnancy test. Wit two lines. I go and hold her hair back and she drops the test. I rub her back and she catches her breath and starts to breath again. She flushed the toilet and I turn her around to see her in tears and wow that breath stank like Popeyes died. She crys hysterically. I embrace her in a hug.
Bey: oh Chris! I'm so sorry! Please don't leave me! I'm scared-
Chris: sshhhhh it's ok baby. It's ok. I would never leave you. This is amazing baby! We gon have a mini us.
Bey: you know how much heat our families-
Chris: they'll understand and it dosent really matter what they think. We love each other no matter who says different. I've got a surprise anyways that will being coming after my check today. Imma surprise ya tomorrow and it will defiantly help us out with mini us.
Bey: so you do still love me?
Chris: babe what ya talkin about ofc I love you! You're my everything!
Bey: aww you're my everything too!
She attempts to give me a kiss but I kiss her forehead instead.
Bey: oh yea sorry. Stank breah😂
We laugh and she freshens up.
Bey: shit baby. We gotta get ya back to the studio.
Chris: but what about you?
Bey: oh sweetheart I'll be fine. Come on let's go.
We hop in the car and get to the studio just in time. I kiss her before she leaves. Wow. I can't believe we havin a baby! 😁

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