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Chris POV
We drive home and it was an akward ride home. I am guessing both of our families are at my house cause there's a lotta cars here. We park and I grab Beys hand.
Chris: baby, please, I don't wanna argue. This is-
Bey: I'm not baby. I'm sorry for snapping*kisses him* I just want you to know I'm not upset ok? I'm so proud and happy for you.
Chris: thank you baby. Now let's go tell animals the news😂
We both laughed. We walk in and everyone yells surprise and popped confetti.
Everyone: HOW DID IT GO?!
Everyone: YAYY!!!
Everyone swooped me and Bey up. But I can see Bey trying to out on a front.
Chris: but Beyoncé didn't.
The whole room got quiet. My family slowly put me down and stared at Bey. Everyone crowded around gave her a hug.
Momma J: oh baby I'm so sorry! That's messed up!
Momma T: me too baby! Uh! I know you've got potential!
Bey: *laughs and everyone confused* I mean there's other record labels out there😂it's not a big deal.🤷🏾‍♂️
Momma T: but baby, this was your dream since you was little. Colombia was your "college".
Bey: I know but dosent mean that others are bad. And we don't need to be all sad abt me today, Christopher Maurice Brown is gonna be a star!!!😁and I couldn't be prouder.
Chris: But Bey, it don't feel right*walks up to her and holds her hands* I wanna do the record deal with you.
Bey: well you know what they said, I can only qualify as your "backup dancer"
Solo: what assholes! Backup dancer? They finna catch these hands like I did to Jay!
Momma T: imma pull a Karen on their ass
Bey: omg y'all crazy😂it's fine. It ain't like we will never see each other again. Can we please celebrate my future hubby please?
Momma J: well uh, this is akward.
Bey: why? Oh
The cake says "Congradulations Creyonce".
Momma J: baby, you're surprisingly calm. You are so strong babygirl *hugs Bey* We all love you.
Bey: I love y'all too. NOW CAN WE ALL PARTY NOW!!!
Everyone cheers and dance. My uncle is on the grill cookin anything that can go on it. Our pool is under constructions so we all just partyin and dancing outside. Bey starts grinding on me and the whole family's "oooohs"😂.
Solo: get a room you freaks!
Bey: oh solo don't be jealous now🤣
Chris: oh shit!😂
They both start play fightin. We get back to dancing and I dance with my mom. I see Bey go inside and something is up.
Chris: hey momma, you mind if I check o-
Momma J: oh please do. I know your girl is hurting. Go talk to her. And don't make me a grandma just yet 🤣
Chris: haha! Thanks momma.
I run in and call out her name. I don't hear nor see her. I run upstairs and hear sobs from my bedroom bathroom. Aww I knew it! I knew my baby was hurting. I try opening the door and it's locked.
Chris: baby! I knew it! Please let me in!
Bey: knew what! I'm not crying!
Chris: then open the door then.
I hear her sniffle and it takes a while before opening the door. Oh. Yea she been crying.

I go in and hug her

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I go in and hug her.
Chris: baby let it out. It hurting me seeing you putting ona. Front.
She starts letting it all out.
Bey: baby I'm so sorry. I - I'm so happy for you I really am. Just, rejections hurts that's all.
Chris: that's it. I'm ripping up that contra-
Bey: no! You're not going to! It's gonna hurt me if you do that!
Chris: but this isn't how it's supposed to be. I'm sorry I ever signed
Bey: no don't be baby. None of this is your fault. I'll get over it. I'm just so happy for you,
I kiss her. I kiss her neck and then her sweet spot and she moans.
Bey: mmm fuck. No stop Chris mmm
Chris: I love you baby. With all my heart.
I slip a finger under her panties and slip one in her. I go in and out slowly.
Bey: mm fuck Chris stop! Mmm-
Chris: then why you moanin?

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