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Chris POV
It's a new year and a whole new us. Bey and I have moved past that incident last month and we finally have our new albums coming out. Mine comes out March 18 and Bey's is June 24. We haven't listened to each other's songs and I'm so anxious to see what she thinks of mine and I can't wait to hear hers. It's only January tho but I'm still soo eager! We just got home from the studio and it's the last time for a while.
Bey: hey baby!
Chris: *kiss* hello my sweet future wifey. *slaps and grabs her ass*
All of a sudden, the doorbell rings. I turn and open the door to see, Lady Gaga??!! WHUT?!
Lady Gaga: Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry I cam unannounced. But I would like to discuss something with Beyoncé.
Bey: *hugs* hey girlie! Ofc come in! This is my boo thang Chris
I give her a hug. A little too long of a hug. I look up at Bey to have her help remove me out of Gaga's grip. She lets go and rubs my arms.
LG: oh I know who he is. Beyoncé, I won't be in town tmr and I missed you at the studio but I have a huge business quesiton. Can we sit and talk?
Bey: ofc! Come here. *goes and sits in living room*
Beys POV
Chris: I'll leave you two to talk. I don't want no spoilers!
LG: haha ok sweet boy. Ugh, you got soo lucky Beyoncé. *looks him up and down* mmm very lucky
She turns around and keeps staring at breast. Oh she really want a three- oh yea no. I ain't that type of girl. Chris and I laugh it off and Chris goes upstairs. 
LG: so I have this song called "Telephone". I need a rap verse on it and Jonas Alkeland is directing the music video. It's connected to my music video "Paparazzi". On the run kind of thing. And we figured you could be my partner. Here's some of the costume and set ideas we have so far.
I look at one of the photos and oh my Gaga

 I look at one of the photos and oh my Gaga

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Bey: um wow. Ok. I'll do it! So this is like an all American Western type of vibe.
It's a little more risky but why not? Different is better. We discuss the plans and I feel bad Chris has been up there for 2 hours. I try and end our convo.
Chris POV
I think I finally hear them wrapping their conversation up. Damn it's been 2 hours bruh. I pause the PlayStation and head downstairs. I see her getting her bag together.
LG: alrighty guys I've gotta head out to go fly to London now. I'm so sorry Chris for not really speaking with you more. But maybe we can all catch up another time and hang out as you know, friends, not just business partners. Kinda like today.
Bey: ofc! We all can hang, just gotta let us know what your scheudle is.
LG: oh don't worry, I'll make time for you guys. *reaches open arms for hugs*
Bey and I group hug her and I feel her hands slide into my boxers waistband and I look at Bey as she looks at me with a funny face. What is her obsession with my butt? We part hugs and she leaves and I shut the door.
Bey: she felt your butt too? She was in my panties line!
Chris: she put her hands under my waistband and has a Fettish for butts. It was like a weird butt massage.
Bey: I wouldn't know cause all you do is slap it and grope it haha.
Chris: you want me to give you a massage? I'll give ya one😈
Bey: *starts running and he charges after her* nooo!!!
We run around the house like 2 little kids. He is catching up as we run out into the back yard. As I look over my shoulder, I wasn't looking infront of me and I tripped over one of the lawn chairs and tripped over it into the pool. Oww! I think I might have cut my leg on it. But Chris also tumbled in with me cause he was right behind. Oww! I rise up out of the water and Chris looks af me as I wince in pain.
Chris: baby you ok?
Bey: oww! No I think I cut my leg!
He swims over to me and he goes to the pool stairs. He sits me on there and looks at my leg. He looks soo good all wet in his shirt with his abs showing throw his shirt. The pool is not the only thing making me wet. He lifts my leg and sees I scratched it and it has minor cuts on it. Nothin bad. He looks up at me.
Chris: want me to kiss your boo-boo?
Bey: yes pwease!
He looks up at me sexy as hell. He kisses my minor cuts.
Bey: higher*bites lip*
He kisses above it and above my knees now. He sticks his tongue out and licks all the way up to my shorts end. He unbuttons them while smirking at me and pulls them and my panties down. I pull my tank top and bra off.
Chris: where else you want me to kiss you?
I bite my lip and point to my pussy. I see him out his hands in his hands. I'm sure he's rock hard underwater rn. He places kisses all on my pussy making me moan. He licks it and hovers over me. I take his shirt off and he kisses me, tasting my juices. He starts to finger me as we kiss. He sucks on my neck and I can't wait no more.
Bey: mmm I love you mm soo much.
Chris: mm I love you soo much too baby.
He raises his hips above water and I see he's playing with himself in his jeans. I reach under and un buckle his belt and unbutton and unzip his pants slowly. I pull them down and his penis spring out hard as a rock. I spread my legs wider and he slides inside me slowly. He looks soo good now dripping wet on me and his butt in the air as he thrusts in me. He starts to fuck me faster making the water clap with his hips. Ooh fuck! He kisses me and he looks down at his dick thrusting into my pussy. I squirt all over his dick.
Momma T: oh lord have mercy child!
We look up and see them stop in there tracks covering there eyes. It was my sister Kelly and Michelle and my momma. We slip our wet clothes back on.
Bey: we have clothes on, you can look now haha😬sorry! But this is our house!
Solo: nasty asses. And what did you do to my sisters leg? Eat it?
Chris: nah she tripped over the chair lookin at my sexiness
Bey: stfu! What y'all c blockers want?
Momma T: Excuse me daughter!
Bey: sorry momma
Momma T: you ought a be ashamed! I didn't teach my daughter disrespect! Anyways, I was wondering if y'all wanted to go to my house for dinner. There is something we should talk about.

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