"Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious"[Explicit~ish]

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Chris POV
Chris: Nicole please*gets on knees* is there any and I mean ANY way I could pay you in another way? Please? Like buying a -shit- idk please just anything else?
Nicole:*bites lip* nope zaddy. Gimme this dick! *pushes him onto studio floor* Youre going to fuck my pussy every week atleast 1 time a week. And I won't tell your funny lookin girl who dances like an old lady about this. Now relax.
Fuuck! I know this isn't a good thing but I will do whatever it takes for my girls dream to come true. Because my dick is so big, I have to order special sized condoms online. 60% I use them but with Nicole, I know her ass finna be up to no good.
Chris: we just gotta make this quick ok? I told Bey I would meet her outside in 10 minutes and that I had to sort out the "payment".
Nicole smirks and unzips my pants pulling them down to my knees. She slides off her shorts and I quickly slide the condom on before she slides right on my dick. She starts riding away fast. She moans and screams as she starts riding.
Nicole: FUCK! I forgot what this dick felt like omg!!! Fuuckkk!!!
I push us to where I'm ontop of her fucking. I try and make this quick. She squirts everywhere. And my dick is covered in cream. No pussy is as good as Bey's. None! Fuck I feel so bad but I know I'm doing this for the right reason.
Bey's POV
I am waiting outside at the stairwell behind the studio building. What is taking him soo long? As much as I tried to follow Nicole moves, I saw her note flirting with my man than anything. 4 minutes later, I see him come outside. He runs down the stairwell and grabs me and wraps me in a hug. I'm kinda pissed at him at the moment. And he seems to sus to be staying up there that long to "pay". Was nearly 10 whole minutes.
Chris: baby? What's wrong?
Bey: nothing. You ready?
Chris: you sure? Be honest with me baby.
Bey: Chris. Where exactly are we going to be staying. How are you paying for this school? When we need a place to live?
Chris: we are just gonna stay in a hotel for now and then tmr we will look at jobs. *kisses her*
Bey: ok.
Chris POV
Shit, she is pissed. This is not a good sign already. I mean, does this count as cheating? I even tried rubbing Nicole sweat off in the bathroom. And none of my nut got inside her😅we get in the car and it is a long akward drive.

 And none of my nut got inside her😅we get in the car and it is a long akward drive

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She is currently in the "eye rolling" mood. And not the good kind. I'm so anxious to see if she suspects anything. I may have been with this girl for only a month, but I know that look she got on her face.
Chris: ok the hotel we stayin at is much nicer and affordable. Abt 2 more miles down. So you had fun today? Wasn't it everything you imagined it to be?😁

 So you had fun today? Wasn't it everything you imagined it to be?😁Bey:

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Chris: or don't say anything ok. I see you was so excited you don't got words.
I'm trying to lighten the mood, but she makin it very difficult. We finally get to the hotel and we bring our bags with us. We check in and I got us a suite. We put all our stuff down and unpack and start to get ready to shower and change. Bey sits at the dresser just looking at the mirror. Then turns back to me

Bey: I'm not sure what your game plan is here or what you did, but imma find out

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Bey: I'm not sure what your game plan is here or what you did, but imma find out.
Chris: so imma guess that we can't shower together or?
Bey: no, use the soap on your dick. You can pretend it's me or some other hoe.
Chris: omg, are you jealous?
Bey: jealous? Jealous of what?
Chris: that everyone was watchin me today?
Bey: no Chris, just go take the damn shower you stink and I need to get in there too.
Chris: babe, let's take one together!
Bey: no! I'm not happy wi-
I kiss her and as much as she tries to resist, she can't. She gives in and we start undressing each other. I throw her onto the bed and get down on her and start eating her out. She rubs my head and I hover my body over hers and kiss her neck.
Chris: I see, you just needed the-
Bey: NO NO NO! *pushes and kicks him off* stop! Don't think I didn't notice what was going on today. Nicole had her eyes all over you. I was the third fucking wheel. And you were entertaining her. She didn't even want to look at me!
Chris: so this is why you are upset? You jealous a girl is looking at me? But you're mad at me?
Bey: don't play the dipshit card!
Chris: ok I'm sorry babe! I just don't like to make people feel akward so I kind of just go with the flow. I wasn't gonna bang her or anything!

Chris: babe I said why you so jealous? It's not like I'm sleepin with the girl

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Chris: babe I said why you so jealous? It's not like I'm sleepin with the girl.😂

Fuck, I didn't mean to make her cry

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Fuck, I didn't mean to make her cry. Fuck🤦🏾‍♂️ I'm sleeping on the couch tonight aren't I? But am I doing something wrong? I don't get it🤷🏾‍♂️

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