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Bey's POV
Momma J: Beyoncé sweetheart. Wake up. You've been passed out for the past hour crying baby. Time to get up.
I slowly wake up. Wow, that was one nightmare. I look up and the doc is heading our way.
Doc: Brown family?
Momma J and I stand up. My mom is on her way, just stuck in traffic.
Doc: well, we were able to take the bullet out and luckily, it didn't pierce through any of his organs but a very big puncture. We have his stomach wrapped and right now, he's medicated. He is very very lucky.
B&MJ: oh thank god!
Bey: can we go see him?
Doc: yes. Follow me.
We follow him but before I walk into the room, momma J stops me.
Momma J: Beyoncé. Listen. This is all your fault. If my baby boy hadn't met your disrespectful ass, then he wouldn't be in this situation.
Bey: *crying* I had no idea that it would lead to this. I I-
Momma T: she's right. You two are to stop seeing each other. We need to get you focused on school.
Momma J: and keep your daughter away from my son!
Momma T: gladly, I'm sure he's got herpes. Beyoncé, that boy is just playin wit your heart. He a fuck boy and you don't need to date someone like that Giselle.
Bey: stop! You both have no idea abt what we mean to eachother. We love eachother. We were having a nice da-
Momma J: yea until he was going to bang you and make you miss school. He does the same thing to all the other hoes that he fucked. Pretends he gives a shit about you and then leaves. Just like his father. Now leave!
I burst into tears. I should've known that I was just a hoe to him! And I let him be my first. But it felt so real. Ugh! I should've known. Mom dosent even say a word, and she mad af. We get to the car and it was a long akward silent ride home.
Chris POV
I wake up to see momma sitting next to me caressing my hair. My stomach feels like it's on fire.
Chris: mom?
Momma J: oh my sweet baby!
She hugs and kisses my forehead.
Chris: where's Beyoncé? Is she ok??*try's too sit up but winces in pain*
Momma J: nonnonoo baby. Lay down. She is ok but um-I'm so sorry baby.
Chris: what?
Momma J: she said after you were unconscious that she wanted to break up with you. I'm so sorry baby.
Chris: what?! Lies! I-
Momma J: I wish it was baby. She said she wasn't feeling you anymore and and thanked you for saving her life but she no longer wants any contact with you. And she is going to be switching classe-
Chris: get out!!!! Get out of my room!!!
Momma J: I'm telling you the truth my son! She was just playing you. Playing innocent!
Chris: no she wasn't! I know I have a tendency to fuck girls left and right but we made LOVE. Not just fucking. We felt each other souls-
Momma J: you can't be in love with someone after 2 weeks.
Chris: yes I can and it's not up to you for how I feel. Once I get out of here, I'm gonna have a word with her. Mom you swear on god that she really wants to break up with me. Never see me again. No contact at all.
Momma J: *crosses fingers behind back* I swear on god. And now it's better so you can get back to your studies once you feel all better
I feel so hurt and cry myself to sleep.
Bey's POV
I am in complete shock and heart break. I am crying into my pillow and hear my phone going off. It was from an unknown number. I answer it
Annonmys: so you finally figured out that my mans was playin yo heart?
Bey: Trey?
Annonmys: yup! Listen, he let us know that he was so happy to get inside you. And he only is using you for sex. But yo ass let him into the hospital. You nothin but a hoe. A slut. The school hoe.*hangs up*
As soon as he hangs up, I cry harder. I see that Chris is calling me and I ignore his calls. He is blowing up my phone but I delete and block his number. I should've known! I'm such a fucking idiot!
Chris POV
Fuck she's not answering my phone. I'm more mad at her now than sad. She lied to me. She just wanted a quick fuck and dip. She wanted to be a hoe. Fuck!
2 weeks later...
My stomach is mostly healed by now but still have to take it easy. Mom wants me going back to school immediately. Today is going to be my first time back. I'm hoping that Beyoncé won't be there.
Momma J: have a great day at school and remember to take it easy. And to avoid you know who.
Chris: thanks momma *kisses cheek*
I run and head out. Forget my dreams. They're crushed. I drive and arrive and see my homies in the parking lot. I get out and the whole school comes over to hug me, making my stomach hurt a bit. But my heart hurts more than my stomach. After everyone smuggled me with gifts, I head twoards class.
Trey: yo I'm so sorry bro. I can't believe you got shot over some dumb bitch.
Chris: tell me about it. These hoes ain't loyal. We walk into class and I don't see Beyoncé. Man she really left. Ah, there's plenty more out there. But I can't deny that I felt something with her. I get up to go use the bathroom. All of a sudden, I'm pushed into the girls bathroom and I look to see...Becky?
Becky: oh lemme make you feel better baby.
She starts unzipping me and kissing me and I kiss her back. I hop her onto the sink and make out. She gets off and pulls my pants and boxers down to my ankles. She closes and locks the door. I press her against the wall and start fucking away. Oh I needed a good fuck.
Bey's POV
I didn't even have to use the bathroom, I just sat on the lid of the toilet when I hear two familiar voices. And I hear them moaning and the door lock. What the fuck? Is that? No! It can't be! I lift my feet up.
Chris: fuck baby! I don't even know why I mmm fuck that hoe.
Becky: fuck yes!!!!!! Fuck! Harder!!! *he fucks with all his might* fuuuucckkkk!!!
They have been going at it for 10 minutes now and I can't stop crying into my jacket.
Chris: fuck baby! I'm gonna cum! No! Wyd you ughhb! Doin!
Chris POV
Becky: fuck all that cum into my pussy. Give me your babies. *try's to kiss him but he backs away*
Nooooooooo!!!! Fuck Chris! What did you do?!!!! She clenched my dick so I would cum in her. Fuck! I can't be havin babies yet! I pull up my pants quick. She fixes herself and kisses me on the cheek and leaves while I zip my pants up confused. I hear a loud sob and see oh shit! Beyoncé. Look like she been bawling her eyes out for weeks. Shit she heard all that. You know what. Good, glad she heard it. She walks up to me and slaps me in the face.
Bey: YOU FUCKER! I can't believe I loved you! They were all right, you were just playing with me. But I didn't want to believe it! I was just another one of your fucking stupid hoes that ya fuck when bored. Well guess what?! I do-did care about you! I even came to the damn hospital. But your mom and Trey were right. You're hurt bc of me and I was never your love in the first place, then you go a head and I pregnant this stupid hoe?!! Ahh fuck!! I that's hate you!
Chris: WHAT THE FUCK IS YOU EVEN TALMIN ABOUT?! You were never a hoe before I found out you was playin my heart. You never truely gave shit about me either. And good thing I never have to see your ugly ass again! You fuckin played me! You ahh!
I pushed her against the wall and kissed her. She kisses me back. There it is again. The passion in our kiss. She kisses so much better than Becky. We break apart.
Bey: wait, so you did care about me? I wasn't just another one of your hoes?
Chris: whattt?!! Baby no! I told you you were the most real person that has ever been in my life. We was gonna rule the world together. I know my image is screwy but trust me, you're someone special. And I love you.
Bey: I -I missed you soo much. *cries again* but we can't be together. You just came inside Beckys pussy! She's going to have your child!
Chris: Fuucckk idk what to do. Wait a sec, hold the phone, who told you all this info btw?
Bey: your mom and Trey.
Chris: Bey, so you know how many times I've bragged abt you to my moms abt how your it for me? I've never said anything negative about you. Moms told me that you didn't want to see me again.
Bey: I never said that either. Wait. We was played.
Bey's POV
I see his eyes turn black again. He bawls up his fist. He grabs my hand and forces me to walk behind him. He walks into the class room and punches Trey right in the face. Nearly knocking him out.
Trey: bro wtf?! Why you still wit the pussy hoe?!
This time, he knocked his ass out.
Professor grabs the phone right away calling security while the whole clas gasps. He grabs his bag and we run. I took the campus bus here cause I didn't feel like driving. He takes off and heads out of school.
Bey: so, do you still have feelings for me?

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