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Bey's POV
For the past week, Chris and I have actually spent a really great time getting to know each other and our history. We feel more open with each other and have an understanding of each other. Not just sex and lies. It's all heart and honesty. With a hint of sex😆. Mom is coming home tomorrow and we want a serious talk with his mom and mine. And both of our families. So we made up a lie and told both our families were are having a party. Ofc everyone agreed. Tomorrow is the day that we tell our families about Chris and I and what WE want. Whether they like it or not. I love my family when they is not soo pushy and same for Christopher. Right now, Chris and I are laying down ontop of the roof looking at the night sky. Soo many stars. It's a nice fresh night. I nestle myself in between his arm and chest. Idk where he gets his colognes but they smell amazing. So sexy.
Bey: you know, if I ever have kids-
Chris: if WE continue...
Bey: aww. If we have-
Bey: oh you know what I mean😂 I like the name Blue for a girl. Blue Ivy. I never really understood why. Just something out do the box ya know. That or the name Rumi.
Chris: interesting. What abt for a boy?
Bey: Sir. I've always wanted to name my future son that. What abt you?
Chris: I like Sir. For a boy, I've always liked the name Aeoko. And for a girl, Royalty. Aye wait, Royalty, Sir? We got a whole kingdom for our family!
Bey: aww! Impregnate me now then! My Handsome king! 
Chris: ok! Done!
We both laugh. We kiss and take in the moment. Mmm them lips. We make out our tongues fight for dominance. We get down and Chris slowly rests me on the bed with him ontop of me. Next thing we know, we fuck all night, drunk in love.
The next day...
I wake up nervous as hell. And a little sore from last night. I look to my right and see Chris knocked out.
Bey: baby, it's time to wake up.
He still sleeping. I know what'll get him up. I simply crawl under the sheets and start giving him head. Woke his ass right up. I rose up and kisses him.
Chris: good morning beautiful. Mmm keep goin baby.
Bey: nope! Today is the big day and mom will be here in 2 hours!
Chris: baby, please.
Bey: ok fine but try to hurry up.
I give him some mornin head and he nuts all in my mouth. I get up and before I get out of bed, he lays me back on my side and lifts my leg up kissing me and slides himself in. He holds one of my legs over his shoulders and fucks away. Man he just a big ball of big dick energy. These is some porn positions. We got at it for an hour and now have less time to get ourselves ready. We hop in the shower and man we just can't stop fucking!

 We hop in the shower and man we just can't stop fucking!

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Bey: *he pulls out* fuck! Chris we got abt half hour now. Come on! Was supposed to be a quick shower*both out of breath*
Chris: sorry babe. That pussy was lookin nice and juicy.
Bey: cut it out! We need to focus. You remember that no matter what happens, we'll always be together
Chris: ofc baby! *kiss*
We get out and we freshen up. I throw a nice short dress on and he is gonna head home to change.
Chris: baby, imma miss you. Imma be all alone .
Bey: aww you so sprung on me you don't even know what to do wit yo self. 😆
Chris: you know it baby. I'll see ya in a few. *kiss*
Mom should be home any minute and so should Chris mom. I straighten up my room and take a deep breath.
Bey: momma!!!
I run down and give her a huge hug.
Bey: I missed you soo much!
Momma T: I missed you too! Where yo sista at? I miss my girlies.
Bey: the whole fam will be here in half an hour so hurry up!😁and I have some exciting news to share with everyone.
Momma T: aww ok, imma run upstairs and unpack and freshen up. I'm so excited to see everyone!😁
Oh please god, let this work out!
Chris POV
Momma J: Chris! I'm home!
Chris: hey momma!
I run down and give her a kiss. I help her wit the groceries. And our family is coming over in half hour and momma cookin up some food.
30 mins later...
The whole family finally shows up and it's nice to see everyone. We all head over to the park a few blocks down where we usually have family gatherings. Just down from the house. It's go time.
Bey's POV
Omg! Everyone is here and my heart is racing. We all head over to the park where Chris family at. There's two picnic stations with a canopy over them. And they are just 15 feet away from each other. We are all here and I notice mom right away notices Chris is over there. She looks back at me

Oh yea, mama knows somethings up

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Oh yea, mama knows somethings up.
Momma T: Beyonce? What is that hoe fucker doing here?? He's here with his family the same day we are?
Bey: well uh. I guess it'll start now.
Momma T: huh?
I text Chris and tell him it's time.
Bey: EVERYONE! Can we please meet up at the stage?
There's a stage out here that's small and empty. Here goes nothing. Both Chris and my family meet up there. Everyone is confused rn. I get up on stage holding hands with Chris.
Bey: listen everyone! Chris and I have something to say! School is not our passion! We will no longer be attending college.
Solo: mom! Stop and just listen!
Chris: Beyoncé and I are our new passions. We've always wanted to be a singer and dancer! See our name in lights. Not computer screens. And despite our many flaws,
Bey: we love eachother. Whether y'all like it or not.
Both Mommas look mad as hell!
Our families clap and hooray surprisingly.
Solo: did y'all think we ever doubted y'all? It's momma
Lytrell: yea our momma too! We believe in y'all.
Bey: what is it going to take for y'all to be together and be successful?
Chris: you know what Bey. Everyone else loves us! And who cares? As long as we got each-
Everyone awws.
Momma T&J: ok fine! But we will keeping a very close eye on you two.
Momma T: especially you Christopher.
Chris: thank you mother in law!
I wack Chris in the stomach as momma mean mugs.
Momma J: well we have to apologize. Your mom and I just well both of y'all's fathers are unsuccessful and we only wanted the bes for y'all.
Momma T: but seeing how y'all brought us here and everyone else supports y'all, makes us realize how selfish we've both been. And from now on, you both have our blessings for your relationship and future career. But join a dance school atleast.
Momma J: one where the dance instructor will not be trying to hoe around🤣 plus, I could tell y'all love eachother the moment I heard the house shaking.
Momma T: oh lawd.
We kiss and get off stage and hug our mommas.
Chris POV
That wasn't it tho. I pull down the screen and bring around the projector. Bey looks so confused.
Bey: babe? What is this? Wyd?
Chris: and to show y'all how much we love eachother, I've got a short video.
Solo: you sure it's not the sex tape or-
Momma T: *whacks back of her head* Solange Knowles!
Chris: haha nah. But we are selling those videos $20 a pop🤣
Bey whacks me in the back of the head also. Everyone sits on the grass and watch the video. And it's me singing in the back ground. Once the video was done, everyone was crying their eyes out. I looked at Bey who jumped on smuggling me with kisses. She whispers in my ear,
Bey: you definetly getting some later.

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