Moving fo-nope[SAD!]

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AN: Sad warning!
1 month later...
Beys POV
This past month, Chris has really stepped up and has been a huge help and support system. We told our families about the pregnancy and they were all over the moon. The paparazzi and news still don't know yet. But the vmas are coming up soon. And I think that's where I'll finally give Chris an answer. And we haven't had sex yet. Well I'm almost and 5 months now and I ain't movin the same that I used to. But imma give him a lil surprise tonight. I'm at his house and we are sitting in the living room.
Bey: baby, we gotta talk.
Chris: what's up baby?
Bey: so, I've decided to give you one LAST chance against my better judgement.
He jumps off the couch and yells. He lands ontop of me giving me kisses. I laugh.
Bey: and I wanna move back in this beautiful artsy home. If you don't mind.
Chris: thank you soo much baby! I promise you I'm changed man! And I have something to show you.
Chris POV
Oh I'm so fuckin happy rn! I blind fold her and help her walk upstairs. I make her stop infront of the door. We still don't have the names just yet picked out and don't know the gender yet. So I kind of just colored both pink and blue on the door. I open the door and take her blind fold off. She immediately starts crying. Oh don't even get me started on her crying. Though I was crying without her too so. She walks in and looks all around the room that I set up for our baby. All the art work was done myself. I got our baby a crib rocking chair 100's of toys, books, and a book that has an illustration custom made of me and Bey and our baby. She gives me a huge hug and a kiss.
Bey: thank you soo much baby! Now I've got something for you. Follow me.
I take her hand and follow her to the bedroom. She just stands me in the middle of the room and gets down on her knees and pulls my sweats down. And my boxers. Shit! That was quick! And she started giving me head. Which I needed soo badly. She gets me on the floor and lays me down on my back. She going wild. I eventually nut. But then she keeps goin.
Chris: mm. Fuck! Bey ok baby! Enough! It's sensitive! Bey fuck!!! I'm nut! Ahh
I nut again. AND she still don't stop!!! Nut after nut. Until I feel my dick is drained. She slides my sweats and boxers back up. I lay back frozen with my mouth open trying to catch my breath. She wipes her mouth and kisses me.
Bey: yea you know yo lady always knows how please her man
Chris: fuck yes mama! I can't walk😆.
We both laugh. She helps me up and as we walk down the stairs, she stops.
Chris: What's the ma-oh shit!
I see blood coming down her legs. Not a good sign, especially not at 5 months. It's too early!
Bey: Chris, I don't feel so good! What's happening??
I carry her and throw a quick shorts and shirt on and slides and run out the door and put her in the car. I get in and speed off. She's bawling her eyes out and I'm trying have her keep calm before she does any more damage. I hold her hand the whole way.
Chris: baby, it's gonna be ok. We're gonna go the ER, they'll check you out there and we are going to get through this together, no matter what happens ok?
Bey: mmmhm. *faints*
Chris: *slaps leg* baby? Hey baby?? Beyoncé wake up! *crying*
I look at the seat and see it's covered in blood. Idec that it is. I try to feel her pulse but I can't find it. We finally arrive and I park the car and throw the keys to a shaufer. I lift her up and carry her bridal style into the ER.
All of a sudden, a bunch nurses and doctors rush over and ofc know who we are. They put Bey on a stretcher and look at the amount of blood that was all over me. The second doctor pulls me to the side.
Doc 2: ok Chris I need you to breath and tell me exactly what happened.
Chris: she's about 5 months pregnant and everything was fine until we started heading downstairs and she stopped and yelled and I saw her bleeding down her leg. And it's too early for her to give birth *crying* and I-I please help her! I can't lose both of them. Not again.
Doc 2: we are going to do everything we can son. Now, it is not sanitary to be covered in this much blood so Imma give you sn extra set of basketball shorts and a tee shirt. Follow me.
Chris: thank you doc.
I follow him to the locker room and he hands me clothes. He leaves me to change and told me to wait in the waiting area. I take off my clothes and look around before taking my boxers off. I guess imma go commando. I change and throw my clothes away. I go and sit in the waiting area and call all of our family over. Within minutes they all race in and give me a hug.
Momma J: *hugs* oh my baby boy, it's gonna be ok. Just gotta stay strong.
Chris: I don't wanna lose her again. And I want our first baby to be ok.
Doc: For Beyoncé Knowles family.
We all turn.
Doc: we are so sorry for your loss.
I felt my body go into shock. Everyone just froze like it dosent feel real.
Doc: Beyoncé has made it but not your child.
I turn and collapse in my mothers arms.
Everyone hugs me and try's to comfort me.
Doc: she dosent know just yet. But Chris, I think you should be with her in support when I tell her.
Chris: ofc.
I follow him to her room and she's there looking at the tv. She smiled when I walked in. But then frowned when she saw the stained tears on my face. I lean down and hug and kiss her.
Bey: baby, what's wrong? I'm gonna be ok right doc?
I hold her hand and look at her.
Doc: I'm so so sorry Beyonce. For your loss.
She started screaming and cries into me.
Bey: everything was going soo well.
Chris: I know baby. We just got together and but ya know what, we are going to get through this together.
We cry and then our family comes in to support us. They keep us here for 2 more days in case anything else happens, but they already removed our baby from her stomach. Today is the day she gets to be released. I help her up and walk her to the bathroom. I turn the shower on for her and help her out of her gown. I strip butt naked as well and walk in. She sits on the shower bench just staring emotionless at the curtain. I take the soap and wash her up as she sits. I wash away the dried blood carefully. I tear up looking at it. I turn around and wash my hair. As I do so, I feel her hands on my butt. She starts kissing my hips and I'm trying soo hard not to get hard. I turn twoards her and she looks up at me.
Bey: you called me your wife? According to the doc?
Chris: I - sorry I just it just came out of my mouth. You is wifey material. Was th-
Bey: nonono. I like the sound of that. So where do we go from here?
Chris: together. We stick together and maybe this wasn't the right tim-hey, eyes up here. Maybe it wasn't the right timing. Maybe we should spend some more time on us. Then get married and then have sooo much sex, that it'll give you 100 babies.
Bey: who said I wanna get married to you? I wanted Steph Curry😆
Chris: haha! Nah! He aint gonna make ya feel how I do😉
Bey: I love you. Soo much.
Chris: *kisses* I love you too baby
I kiss her again. And again, and it gets pretty heated. I kiss her scars on her stomach. And I am trying sooo hard not to pop a hard on at a time like this but the way she looks when naked and wet. I can't help it. It pops up and I'm trying to hide it as best as I can. I turn around but feel her hand wrap around my dick.
Chris: I'm sorry baby. I know it's hella rude to be hard like this rn
Bey: it's ok. I ain't mad. If I wasn't a mess, I'd do it right with you. Maybe make another baby.
Chris: oook. Well someone did some drugs.
Bey: your penis is my drug.
And she gives head. Good lord. Even during the saddest times, she still freaky. After she does so, we get out and put or clothes back on. We thank the entire staff and doctors who helped. We get into the car and drive home. A long quiet ride home. We walk in and I follow her upstairs. She opens the babies room door and starts throwing everything left and right. Shattering glasses. I grab her from behind as she melts down. She finally stops and just lays down with me on the floor as we cry together.
Bey: I CANT!!! I want our baby back!
Chris: you know when this happened to my auntie, you know what my uncle told her? He said, that the baby that had passed, their soul never went away. It's just waiting to enter the body of the next baby. So, our baby, is still waiting for us to make a new one.
Bey: Chris that was beautiful.
Chris: I love you baby*kisses forehead*
The next day...
Beys POV
I brought Chris into the studio tonight to make him listen to a song that I wrote about our lost baby called "Heartbeat".

Chris:*bawling eyes out* oh baby! Come here! *hugs* we'll make another baby one day. It hurts now but we gonna get through it.
Bey: I love you.
Chris: I love you always.

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