Part 62

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"El, El wake the fuck up." I almost jump out of my seat on the couch. I must have fallen asleep seeing when I sat down it was around 4 PM and it was night time now. Azarel was standing over me with slight concern in his eyes.
"Hey you're up." I glare at her, he just smiles back sweetly. "Your dad called and got mad at me for picking up, I said you were asleep and he has a mission for you." I nod and grab my phone from the coffee table. Why had Midoriya called me of all things? That's unusual..

Rin enters the room and glares at Azarel before giving me a small smile. I think I'm starting to get why they don't like each other.

(3rd POV)

2 days before that when Elias was staying home Azarel and Rin got into a fight.

"Can't you just shut up about Elias for once?! It's fucking pathetic how you seem to care so much about a white haired freak who only got into this class because he knows his way around with a fucking knife at fifteen years old!" Azarel stopped talking, he was reporting to Aizawa that Elias wouldn't be coming to school that day because he was sick. Apparently Rin had been overhearing the conversation and heard how Azarel was worried about his (Boy)friend. Later he was talking to another student about it and Rin overheard once again, that's when she blew up.
"At least I don't follow people around thinking they won't see it. Elias might not notice it but I do, everyone does. I think you're the pathetic one here, I'm not the one too scared to actually talk to my crush instead of creepily stalking them." Rin didn't know what to say, yeah she followed the two around sometimes but that was because she didn't know anyone else, and yeah she might like Elias a bit but that wasn't the reason she was following them around, most of the time.
"You're a filthy stalker and if I see you around Elias one more time I'll personally make sure you won't see the light of day again, understand?" Rin nodded, now genuinely afraid. She had been making loose threats as well but she wouldn't go as far as this.

(Elias's POV)

I sign to Azarel that I'm going to text my dad about the mission and go to my room. When I'm in the hallway I hear the floorboards creak behind me, I turn around and it's Rin. Azarel stands up when seeing her follow me.
"Rin, do you have time I wanted to ask about the next project." Rin groans but turns around and makes her way to Azarel. Who waves me bye and starts talking to Rin.

Once I'm safely in my room I text Midoriya.


(Elias): Hey, Azarel said you called about a mission?"

(Boss): Yeah, mini-Hawks said you were asleep."

(Boss): I need some information out of Nezu's office, think you can get it for me?"

(Elias): Yeah probably, I mean I've snuck into places before, what do you need?"

(Boss): Just basic info on the new students. If you can get those files for me that would be great."

(Elias): Alright, I'll give them to Kirishima when I get them so he can give them to you."

(Boss): Ok.

{End of texting}

That's gonna be easy, if I do it tonight already I'll be finished with all missions for this week so I can just focus on class, even though it's pretty annoying the history classes and all that is pretty cool.
"Dinner's ready!" Someone yells through the building. I stand up and go downstairs.

"Ah, Midoriya, could you help set the table please?" I nod and one of my classmates nods to the cupboard where the plates are.
"I heard you fell asleep on the couch, I guess it's comfortable then huh?" I nod again. I return to the kitchen and the student points out where the forks and knives are, on the way to the drawer I see what's for dinner. It genuinely looks good, at least, better then Kurogiri's stolen food. The girl cooking sees I'm looking at it and smiles. It's gross how nice everyone is here. I quickly grab what I need and finish setting the table.
"So you really don't talk huh?" I shake my head. "How come?" I look at her blankly, is she.. expecting me to answer her?
"His vocal chords were cut when he was a child, I don't know why." Azarel explains quickly. I look at him, he changed into a way too big hoodie and yoga pants.
"Ehm.. El I hope you don't mind that I grabbed one of your hoodies, I forgot mine at home, my brother should be bringing them tomorrow." That's why it seemed familiar. I shrug it off and sit down on the couch, Azarel comes to sit next to me and I feel like Rin is looking at me from behind, it's kinda creeping me out.
"So, what's the mission?" I look around, there's no one, so I show her my phone. He nods.
"Wait, also my info?" Azarel turns pale when I nod, confused as to why he's turning red.

After a few more minutes we're called to the table. I'm not that tired but sleeping would be nice.
"Have a good meal everyone." a few people say, probably the ones that cooked the food.

"Midoriya can I talk to you?" I turn around and see Kirishima in the doorway.
"Oooh someone's in trouble~" some if the guys tease. I glare at them before getting up and making my way back to the living room.

"It's about the mission Izu assigned you, Nezu uprated the security by ten, camera's are hanging everywhere. Be careful when trying to sneak in." I nod, did he really have to pull me away from my dinner for this?
"Also both student and teachers bags get inspected nearly every morning, so until we can go back to the hideout keep the documents in your room, hidden away." I nod again, just wanting to get back to my food.
"Are you even listening? This will be one of your most dangerous missions ever. If you get caught I get caught. Got it?" Why so dramatic? I nod and point back to the dining room.
"Yes you can have dinner now. I'm gonna call Izu." I didn't really ask for that last part but ok.

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