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"who told you to make so much noise?"

Heeseung grabs the hammer lying nearby and walks forward with a stumbling pace .
"I was resting , thinking about my love ,why did you disturb? Hm?"
With that he shot a hit on the tied up person's knee infront of him
"Oh you know , I have a good news , I found him " he proceeds to laugh and bite his lips in happiness while the tied up man was humming in pain under his taped face .

"Do you know who ? Of course him , Kim sunoo nope.....
Lee Sunoo , the one you stole from me .

My Lee Sunoo "


"3,2,1.....HEEDDEUNGIE HYUNGGG I am coming to find you"
Little Sunoo uncovers his eyes and steps forward sneakily .

Meanwhile Heeseung giggles hiding behind a tree, he shoots glances to the younger and chuckles at his cute antics . By mistake he squeaks loudly which caught Little Sunoo's attention .

He runs towards the direction giggling thinking he will find his Heeseung hyung , but he was actually running the opposite way .

Heeseung , after waiting for a while  , tired , peek out of his hiding place only to find Sunoo nowhere .

Elsewhere , "tells us the password or you will see your wife and daughter dead"
"Please don't do this to me , if I tell the password  , my boss will kill me , please I beg you, let me go" the poor victim begs for mercy
"You think we care ? "
"Yah! I am so tired just f..ing kill him alraedy, the company has lots of other employees anyways"
"Ok sir "
After those words , the sound of several gun shots followed depicting they killed the man . Blood ozz out of the man's body as he lies life less.
Unfortunately , All these was witnessed by  Little Sunoo scaring the heaven and hell out of him . He was so scared that when he tried to run away he stumbles and falls letting out a soft Yelp .
And of course it caught the murderers' attention .
"Hey , look who is there, quick!!"
And thus , Sunoo got caught in the bloody hands
"Hahaha what a cute kid , and I thought it was a spy "
The said kid whimpers "l-let me go"
"What's your name kid ? Where do you live ? " The grip tightens and scares Sunoo , he tells the details out of fear and the men shoves him in the car .

Heeseung was so terrified and worried . He looked everywhere in the playground for his friend , but found him no where . He ran to towards Sunoo's home .

When he reach , he was greeted by the sight of several men with guns in thier hands . He saw Sunoo's mom crying and Sunoo's dad on his knees .

"Flee from this town or else you will face consequences . We will take your son for brainwash "


"Flee from this town or else you will face consequences . We will take your son for brainwash "

"Remember ? You said those words to his family ? When you brain washed my Sunoo , you washed my memories with him . You washed every bits of symbols of me from his life "

Out of anger , Heeseung smashed the hammer's ponted back end on to the man's chest therefore killing him .

The door of the basement opens behind Heeseung , revealing Jay
"Just because you are an assassin doesn't mean you can go around killing people like this hyung. This is the fifth I presume ? "

A bloody Heeseung turns , "yae , fifth . He was the last one " he states pointing to the corpse .

Jay just sighs and give him some pills "it's time for medicine hyung" while Heeseung leaves for a shower as if nothing happened .

𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 [𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒]Where stories live. Discover now