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An intel was reached that the special forces were injured by some unknown .

They were immediately rush to the private  clinic and made to lay .

K approaches the doctors and investigate "what's up with them? "

Doctor #1 : " Aren't they 'special' forces and they got beaten up? "

Doctor #2 : " shut up . Sir the enemy broke their ribs but the injury   
                      is   minor . They may have problem in breathing so we    
                      have to install them with ventilations . "
Doctor #3 : " And some arms and  legs are broken ....oh even necks
                        damn "

K sighs and returns to his office . Just then he recieves a call from Akato , his father .

"Hey dad "

" K , what is this I am hearing ? Our special forces were attacked and injured ? "

" *Sighs* yes dad I...I'm sorry "

"....K it's not even a month that I went away "

"I know dad just give me some time . I promise you I won't disappoint you "

"You better not ...K "

The call ends and Hanbin enters "hey dear are you ok ? "
K pulls him closer and rests his head .
"Hanbin .....I don't wanna do this...."

Hanbin looks at him while stroking his hair gently "do what ? "

"These whole .....Ni-ki thing ....I just feel something is off ..but my father-" he gets cut off by Hanbin

"Uff your father.....K listen to me . Did he ever call you 'son' ? No . Did he show you any evidence that Ni-ki attacked him first ? No . And I think it's a well know fact that he is not liked by anyone except you . "

K stays silent . Hanbin sighs and kisses him on the forehead "don't worry , I am sure you will figure it out love " and leaves .

K checks the security camera and sees the "garbage collectors" but shoves it off but he was curious to why a pink head guy was talking to his securities for so long .


K goes to check on the patients and when he arrives , he sees the doctors running here and there .

"What's the matter ? "

Doctor #1 : " do you want  me to lie or do you want me to be
                         honest ? "

Doctor #2 : "SHUT UP "

Doctor #3 : "We have a little problem sir......"

K eyes everyone " proceed "

The "Garbage collectors " once again arrives and Sunoo once again engages the securities into  a deep conversation .

While the others sneak in and changes the Carbon monoxide tanks back to Oxygen tanks .

And they leave .

On the way Sunoo complains " Ew those oldies are weirdos "
Heeseung interrupts him " Nah , you are just too pretty "
The comment makes Sunoo flustered while Ni-ki cringes

Sunghoon on the other hand taps Jake and comments " you look exceptionally good in your new look " and winks
Jake replies with a smug face " first learn how to flirt "

Jungwon looks at Jay and then panics and turns away when the other catches him which puts up a smirk on .

They all stop at a boba place and enters the cafe .
Sunoo runs forward and asked the cashier guy " do you have mint flavour boba ???? " With sparkly eyes
The cashier guy replies "oh yes we do have it "

Jungwon comes and asks "chocolate"
The cashier replies " oh....we are out of chocolates um well you can try strawberry as you are pretty cute "

From behind Jay pops up , hands on won's waist and stern face
" He will have macha" and takes his boy away *coughs*

Jake comes and ask " oh I will have the regular and here's my card , I will pay for the others "

The cashier takes the card , looks up and says " well you are-"

A wild sunghoon pops up " don't you DARE hit on him "

" Sir I meant to say your card is denied "

From behind EJ takes out his card and pays "Sorry Jake I had to block your cards incase they try to track you "

Jake smiles "oh it's ok hyung "

Heeseung and Ni-ki are the last to choose when the cashier comments " you guys got a lot of cute boys in the groups ey ? "

Heeseung smiles with " yae the pink is mine "
Ni-ki glares " Lies...."

Making the Cashier a bit intimidated by the tension .


K is beyond mad " WHAT THE F*** DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ???? "

Doctor #1 : " meaning we can not do anything as we aren't gods"
Doctor#2 : " Shut up . Look sir they somehow went into brain         
Doctor #3 : " which is impossible and we checked everything "

"YOU ARE FIRED , HANBIN please arrange me new doctors "

Hanbin smirks " With pleasure " before texting the other boys

Doctor #1 : " at least we won't be shouted at everyday from now
                       on "

Doctor #2 and #3 : "PLEASE SHUT UP "



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