Chap 10

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"Y/n!" Someone shouted from behind me.

I whirled around, eyes narrowing when I saw Peter striding towards me.

"What do you want?"

I didn't get an answer however, instead I received a hand gripping my wrist and pulling me towards an empty part of the tomb.

"Let go of me, Peter" I growled, pulling against him.

Peter shot me a glare before shoving me inside a room.

"You're staying here"

"What!?" I shouted, earning another harsh glare.

"I said, you're staying here. You've already shown that you don't agree with my plan, and I'm not taking an unnecessary risk by letting you come along"

"You've got to be kidding me! I can handle myself, Peter! Do you really think that I would risk our lives just because I didn't agree with your plan?"

Peter scowled at me before gripping both my wrists.

"This is an order from your King. You will stay here with Lucy, and if I have to so much as repeat myself, I swear you'll regret it"

My eyes narrowed and I pulled my wrists away roughly.

"Good luck with that plan of yours, Pevensie. You have only yourself to blame if the Narnians, or quite frankly, anyone gets killed" I stormed off, leaving Peter alone in the room.


"I hate your blasted brother" I said, walking into the room with the stone table, where Lucy sat in front of it.

"I guess he forced you to stay here, too?"

"Yep, saying that it was 'An order from your King'" I replied, lowering my voice in an effort to mock him.

Lucy snorted as I sat down next to her.

"Peter's so stupid" She mumbled.

I laughed dryly.

"I just hope no one gets hurt" I sighed, leaning my head back against the table.

"I hope so too" Lucy frowned, leaning into my side.

I wrapped an arm around her while we waited in silence for them to return.

We had been sat like this for quite a while before a horn sounded from outside.

We both stood up and shared a glance before rushing outside.

The Pevensie's and Caspian stood outside, a group of Narnian's stood behind them, the numbers far lower than what they had been. I felt my face drop.

"What happened?" I asked quietly, staring at Peter.

"Ask him" He replied lowly, angling his head towards Caspian.

"Peter" Susan said firmly.

"Me? You could've called it off. There was still time" Caspian sneered as the group came to a stop.

"No, there wasn't, thanks to you." Peter retorted. "If you kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now" His voice broke slightly as he finished.

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