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Ace's mood seemed off today.

He didn't race, he wasn't taking like he would usually do, he wouldn't even look at me or talk to me. I didn't know if he even acknowledged my presence.

"Are you alright?" Mason placed a hand on his shoulder and asked him for the hundredth time. Ace shrugged his hand away and nodded, giving the same answer he did before, "I'm fine."

He wasn't.

It wouldn't take a genius to guess that Ace wasn't fine. Something was up with him. Maybe something happened at the dinner yesterday?

"Talk to me," Mason sighed, taking a seat next to Ace who was sitting on a couch in his club, "come on. Clearly something's off. What's wrong?"

I was sitting across them, on another couch with Isabella beside me. She nudged my shoulder softly making me look at her, "what?"

"What's wrong with him?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow who which I shrugged, "I don't know."

We were all looking at Ace who had a glass in his hands and four empty glasses on the table in front of us. A waiter came and placed three other glasses filled with whiskey on the table before walking away.

"You're turning twenty two in two days, right?" Mason asked, wanting to take Ace's mind off whatever was disturbing him even though he had no idea what was wrong.

"Yeah," Ace's voice was barely audible. He looked up from his glass and the moment his eyes met mine, he adverted them which made me internally frown. "I have to go," He said, standing up, "I've got works to do."

Without waiting for a reply from anyone, Ace placed his still filled glass on the table and left, grabbing his jacket which was on the headrest. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Mason let out a groan. "What the fudge was that?"

"Why the fuck are you saying fudge instead of fuck?" Isabella questioned, amusement as well as confusion laced in her tone. Mason pointed to me with a smirk, "my baby sis in the room. You should watch our language."

"For your kind information, I'm twenty," I reminded him with a scowl, "not fucking three."

"Can we talk about Ace?" Isabella sighed, "I've never seen him like this. It's worrying me."

Mason stood up from his seat and walked towards his girlfriend who was beside me. Then he sat down on next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her to him before placing a kiss on her head, "I'm sure he's fine or he's gonna be."

"No..." Isabella shook her head, "he's never behaved like this before. He looked so...not Ace."

"Something must've happened at that din—" Mason was cut off by the sound of his phone beeping with a message. He removed it from his pocket and read the message. I don't know what was on the message but his expression changed to pure anger when he read it.

"What is it?" Isabella asked, noticing his expression. Mason's eyes flickered from his phone screen to her then to me. "It's regarding the gang. Nothing important. I gotta go though. Get in the car, I'm taking you both home."


I feel like killing someone right now.

It was as if we didn't have enough on our plates right now. I don't know what's wrong with Ace but something was telling me that if I told him about what I just read, he'd be even more pissed than he already was.

I've seen Ace angry. Trust me, It wasn't something you'd want to witness. When he's angry, it's like he's a whole new person.

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