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The second I stepped inside my house, I heard the voice of my grandfather booming in the hallway. "Oh, shut the fuck up already you bloody idiots! I'm getting so damn tired of this whole family drama stuffs!"

"You shouldn't be raising your voice at this age. Sit and calm down." My mom's soft voice was heard. I made my way further into the house, to the living room.

My grandfather was sitting on a couch, looking at my mother with softness in his eyes which was very rare for him. He really loved my mother like his own daughter and the feeling was mutual.

My eyes scanned the room, falling on my favourite family members. Kade, my cousin who was of the same age as me then there was Asher, he was twenty, and then Cole who was only eighteen.

I refrained myself from gagging when I saw Lola, a laughing stock, my uncle Leonardo's twenty one year old daughter with her twin brother, Finnegan who was another laughing stock as well as a rapist who got away every fucking time thanks to his father. It was really unfair and fucked up.

"The best thing that Vincenzo did was marrying you, Rose." Grandfather spoke up, none of them noticing that I was in the house yet until I entered the living room which caught the attention of everyone.

Before I could utter a word, someone threw herself on me, hugging me which made me gag. I pushed Lola away from me, glaring at her.

"Here ya go!" Asher said, throwing a bottle of sanitizer which I caught effortlessly. I shot him a thankful smile before putting some on my hands. Then Kade sprayed perfume on me, wanting to get that Lola's smell off me.

"Thanks guys." I muttered while dusting off my shirt.

"We all went through it, bro. Us, cousins gotta stick together." Cole replied, shooting me a grin before one by one hugged me which I returned.

"Here he is! My fav-" he cleared his throat, "one of my favourite grandson." I walked towards him as he stood up and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. "You've grown up so much from last time I saw you!"

"The hell I did. You saw me last week, old man." I reminded, breaking the hug before patting his almost bald head, "need a wig?"

"Shut up, Ace." He rolled his eyes, "need a pussy?"

"God, no. I've had enough." I replied which made him laugh, "what about you? When was the last time yo-" I was cut off with a smack on the back of my head, "enough, Ace."

"It's okay, Rose." Grandfather chuckled, "the last time I got laid was eighteen years ago. I forgot the feeling."

"Oh my god! I feel bad for you!" Kade exclaimed, placing his hand over his heart dramatically which made grandfather scoff, "Did I tell you that you're my least favourite grandson?"

"And so I've heard." Kade muttered, walking over me before throwing an arm around my shoulders. He was like my twin. Kade was only two months older than me.

"How rude of this kid not to greet us let alone notice us." Leonardo spoke up, "he isn't fit to take over the Italian mafia."

"Just like you weren't." I retorted, glaring at my so called uncle, "there, consider yourself noticed."

"I would watch my words if I were you, Leonardo." Dad stared at him which clenching and unclenching his jaw, "otherwise neither him or I will not be held responsible for his actions."I smirked at what he said.

"I don't know how you even became the leader." Leonardo added, taking a step forward only to be stopped by a hand grabbing his arm and pulling him back. Leonardo glared at Raphael, his older brother, and my other uncle, "shut the fuck up, Leonardo or I might just kill you myself."

My dad was the eldest, Raphael came second and then came Leonardo, the fucker.

Uncle Raphael smiled warmly at me, "it's good to see you, son."

"Likewise." I returned the smile, "so, we having dinner or not?"

"I'm sitting beside Ace! I called it!" Lola shouted making our heads snap in her direction.

"You aren't sitting beside me, Lol." I replied, glaring at her.

"Yeah, Lol." Kade scoffed. Lola was obvious to what we were doing because she was smiling, "you got a nickname for me! But I want to sit beside Ace."

"It's good to want things." Cole said with a nod as Asher continued, "we don't always get what we want Lol."

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