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"You're here! I've been looking for you everywh—" a similiar looking guy cut himself off, his eyes landing on me, "—oh my freaking god, who is this?"

"This is Ivy Reed." Kade introduced us to each other, "and Ivy, this is my brother, Asher."

"You're the Ivy Ace wouldn't stop talking about." Asher blurted out with wide eyes making me blink a few times as his words were being registered in my head. Kade nudged him in the arm before muttering, "shut up, bro."

"Speaking of Ace, have any of you seen him around?" I asked, my eyes flickering from Kade to Asher. They were definitely brothers. They looked so similiar to each other. Both of them had brown hairs, hazel coloured eyes except Asher's were of a deeper colour.

"Nope," Kade shook his head, "dude's late to his own birthday party. Why am I not shocked?"

Asher snorted, "I'm not shocked either." He looked at me, "the similarities between you and Mason is insane."

"I know."

"It's almost as if they're twins." Another unfamiliar voice spoke up making me look at a certain distance and found another boy who looked younger than Asher and Kade make his way towards us. He stood next to Asher and threw his arms around his shoulder as he couldn't do the same to Kade considering he was way taller than him.

"I'm Cole." He introduced with a boyish grin, "I know, it's nice to meet me." I refrained myself from rolling my eyes at his words while Kade and Asher let out annoyed groans. Asher threw an arm around Cole's shoulder like he did and pulled him close, "he's our youngest brother. Our baby brother."

"Shut up!" Cole rolled his eyes, "you're just jealous because dad loves me more than he loves you two assholes. Anyway…" he trailed off, "I don't think Ace is gonna come."

"Oh, he's probably coming as we speak." Kade muttered which made his brothers snort while it took me a while to understand what he meant. My eyes slightly widened while I found out the meaning behind his words and I cleared my throat awkwardly, "alright. I suppose I'll see you guys around."

"Wait, why don't you hang out with us?" Asher asked, raising his brows, "we could keep each other company until the birthday boy finally shows his ass."

"Yeah. We could get to know our new friend!" Cole exclaimed, walking towards me before grinning, "you're friends with Ace so you're friends with us too."

"She's joining our gang?" I groaned at another unfamiliar voice but this time it was those of a woman. Why was so many people just introducing themselves to me today? Apparently, I wasn't the only one who groaned, I heard the boys letting out curses and groans under their breaths as well.

"I don't approve." She said, walking over and standing in front of me. She was shorter than me even in her heels. She had dyed pink hair and blue eyes. I had to refrain myself from gagging at her insanely huge lips.

Kade let out a scoff at her words, "go fuck a dead man, bitch."

"I'm Lola Romano."

"Correction," Asher cleared his throat, "you're Lola Bridge, step-daughter of Leonardo Romano. You're not a Romano, woman. Don't disgrace us like that."

Lola rolled her eyes at Asher before looking at me from top to bottom, "you could work on those breasts. They don't look big enough for anyone to even look at you. You won't be getting any attention that way."

I gasped at her words.

"What the fuck?" Cole and I asked at the same time.

"Woman, I don't need any fucking attention. I'm pretty satisfied with the way my body is." I said coldly and watched as she frowned, "do you know who you're talking to? You better talk to me with respect because…" she pointed her finger at me and was silent for a while as if thinking what to say next, "I can kill you and get away with it."

"Good thing that I don't care." I retorted which made her scoff, "you're one of their whores, aren't you?"

"Why? Jealous because you can't have them?" I asked back making her gasp, getting all defensive, "I can have them. They just can't have me, okay?"

The boys barked out a laugh as if she just said the funniest thing in the world. Cole held on to my shoulder as he laughed, "oh…my…god..someone, please kill me—"

Asher sniffled, wiping a tear that escaped his eye when he was laughing, "that might just be the funniest thing you've ever said."

"Oh man…" Kade was breathing heavily, his elbow resting on Asher's right shoulder, "that was the joke of the fucking year."

"Shut the fuck up!" Lola scowled, "Ace is better than either of you. At least he loves me."

"Ace loves you?" Cole questioned, furrowing his brows, "He is the one who told us to call you Lol instead of Lola."

"Yeah, he gave me a nickname." Lola said, her hands on her hips, "that shows that he loves me."

"He said you're a laughing stock." Kade added, "he hates you more than any of us."

"I don't believe you," Lola shook her head with a scoff, "you're just jealous because I," she pointed to herself, "don't like you guys."

"Why would we be jealous?" Asher asked, "you don't know how relieved I am right now. Good lord, I would've jumped off a cliff if you were to love me. I don't know how Ace handles you."

Lola rolled her eyes, looking at me again, "I'll see you around, whore."

"You're not even worthy to look at me, bitch."

"Screw you." She gritted her teeth before walking away while swaying her hips, her ass bouncing from left to right.

"Guys!" Cole tapped my shoulders, pointing to the entrance, "Ace's here!"

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