Never Forget (Hotsuma + Shusei) UraBoku

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The quiet rustle of bed sheets, and the sound of bed creaking, indicating that someone is getting out of bed, woke [Y/N] up. And then the sound of a shower starting in the bathroom. A few more minutes and the sound stopped. The sound of towel drying followed shortly after.

[Eye color] eyes blinked open slowly, looking up at the slim, slightly muscular, scarred chest that was slowly being covered by the buttoning of a shirt.

Shusei stopped buttoning his shirt when he caught [Y/N] staring at him from the bed. He smiled at him and continued buttoning his shirt, following by the his school jacket uniform.

"When are you going to stop going to school so early and leaving Hotsuma behind? It bothers him, you know,"

Shusei sighed, leaned over the bed and kissed [Y/N]'s forehead, his soft lips lingering for longer than usual. And it was sad, almost lonely just like the look in his eyes.

"Hotsuma can take care of himself," He replied.

The blond in question, who was currently spooning [Y/N] from behind, with a heavy arm resting on [Y/N]'s waist, groaned and pulled [Y/N] tighter to his chest, nuzzling his neck, and settling back to sleep.

Shusei smiled warmly at his lovers. The same sad look in his eyes not going away, and [Y/N] worried for the brunette. Shusei has been acting strange since Giou Yuki came to the Twilight Mansion.

"See you at school," Shusei finally said, picking up his bag and leaving the room.

Confused? Let's start from the beginning.


A thousand years ago, the Giou Clan has been known to work hard at keeping the peace around the country keeping the evil beings called "Duras". Those evil creatures feed on people's negativity and dark feelings. It was the main reason that many people tend to commit crimes.

Duras tend to look for humans who have suffered a loss of a loved one, or they are seeking revenge of someone they hate. They possess said human's body, giving them the power they need to get the job done, causing mayhem and chaos wherever they went.

The Giou Family has one job only, to kill these Duras. The three main Giou individuals are Giou Takashiro, Giou Reiga, and Giou Yoma. The three where very close friends since childhood, and after a betrayal of some sort, Yoma was found dead and Reiga has gone rogue, ending up being the one who controls the Duras.

In order to stop Reiga's rein of evil, Takashiro takes it upon himself to stop his former friend from destroying the world and what he holds dear. So he founded the Zweilts, a group of warriors; who their main object is fighting and killing the Duras, and stopping the war that Reiga has planned.

Each Zweilt warrior has a unique ability that differentiate them from the others. They are always coming in pairs, and each pair stay together throughout their lives or die together in battle. And if they are lucky, they get reincarnated together to fight yet again; together.

Tooko with Tsukumo. Hotsuma with Shusei. Kuroto and Senshiro.

This has went on for a thousand years, reincarnating, fighting, dying, repeat. It's a non-ending cycle of pain and suffering, but they never give up. And as in any war, the Zweilts get hurt fighting against those demons and their leader, some of them even die trying. That's where the God's light comes in.

The God's light is the most important one of them all. They don't actually fight, but to heal those who were injured in battle and takes away their pain. In all of the lives the God's light has been alive, it has always been a female. But for some reason, and for the first time ever, the God's light has been reincarnated as a male in this life.

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