Family / Pt2 (Zarkon) Voltron

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[Your POV]

I had the strangest dream.

Sadly, I don't remember most of it. But somehow, I remember that it made me feel safe, wanted. I didn't have to be worried about my brother anymore. I didn't have to overthink every single thing he does. I don't have to keep being compared to him constantly. I don't have to keep following him around. I don't have to worry about Voltron, or the universe anymore.

I was at peace.

When I finally managed to pry my my eyes open, my vision was slightly blurred. I tried rubbing the sleep from them with the heels of my hands, and it worked a bit, kinda. I feel like I just woke up from deep slumber for a very long time. Which I might have just did.

Then all the memories came flooding back to me.

I sprang up from the bed I laid on -- which I figured out was a bed since it was so soft. Looking around, I took in the familiar surroundings. I realized that I was on a bed in medical bay. That's weird. Shouldn't I have been put in a healing pod, with the extent of the injury I had sustained? I would have gotten out of it whe I woke up. Maybe I had gotten out of the pod before waking up? My leg would have been-

My leg.

I had never removed the covers on my body faster in my life. I had to blink a couple of times because I couldn't believe what my eyes saw. I was pretty sure that my leg was crushed in the debris from knee down. But there it was, looking like nothing happen at all.

Perhaps, I might have been hallucinating the whole thing with all the painkillers they gave me?

Or, I must still be sleeping. That makes way more sense. Because there's no way in hell my leg would still have survived something like that. I had resigned my fate into having to live the rest of my life with a prosthetic, much similar like Shiro's arm. But, nope.

I reached out and pinched myself in the arm.


Right. So, I'm not dreaming. I don't know if that was a good thing or not.

I turned my head to the side, finally noticing that I wasn't alone in the room. It was surprising to find Keith there, sitting on a chair near the bed. His elbows on his knees, hands dangling between them, with his head down, hair covering his face.

"...Keith?" I called causiously.

My twin finally raised his head, slowly. Just about enough to uncover those violet, intense eyes. Eyes so cold, that they were much colder than ice, if that was even a thing. I saw him have this look on his face only once, the day our father had passed away when we were young.

"What's wro-"

"I would have been able to kill him if you hadn't gotten in my way,"

I stared at him in silence. Really looked at him, like I was meeting him for the first time. I knew my brother like the back of my hand. Keith was insensitive, rude and inconsiderate to a high level. Although, he keeps surprising me every day.

Today, though, he is so close to crossing a line that he can't go back from.

"It looked like he kicked your ass, so I came to the rescue, " I shrugged, trying to lighten the mood, trying harder to tell him to drop it, before he said something he might regret later. But, he didn't. It had the opposite effect, in fact. He got angry.

"Stop trying to rule my life!" He threw his hands up in the air, and glared at me heatedly, "Why do you always have to ruin everything?" He shouted. "Why do you always have to get in the way?!"

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