Feeling Safe / Pt2 (Shirogane Takashi) Voltron

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Hey guys! Like I said in the previous part, this will have smut! I'm not gonna put a warning for when it will start or when it will end because I don't see why lol.

This is my first attempt at writing smut so I hope you enjoy it!





He won't give up, though. So he kept trying. Again. And again. And again. After sometime, [Y/N]'s phone has been switched off and cannot be reached. Shiro begun to panic.

'What should I do now?'



I hate myself.

No, no. Hear me out. The decision of riding my heat alone instead of wasting money on suppressants, was the worst I have ever taken. My heat didn't arrive yet. I'm in what people call "pre-heat". Basically, you're edgy all the time, having unexplained cravings, having body cramps and a split headache. It's just a way your body is preparing for the upcoming heat.

Not to forget the urge to nest.

Usually, when an Omega is building a nest, we use whatever clothing or items of our beloved ones (family and friends), blankets, towels that have their scents, to help the Omega feel safe surrounded by them. But since I was living alone, I didn't have that luxury.

I also made sure that I have enough packaged food and drinks in the room, considering I will be so out of it for three days straight. I wouldn't have the energy to cook or go out to eat, since I would be too horny and tired to do so.

What I wouldn't do to have one of Shiro's shirts. Or his presence.

I quickly pushed that thought out of my head. It's been a couple of days since I quit from Voltron Enterprises. Two days since I switched off my phone and begun nesting.

I missed the man. I missed them all. But I wasn't prepared to face or talk to any of them. At least, not yet. As much as it is in my nature to be forgiving and caring, my pre-heat made me irritated and might do or say something I might regret later.

Beginning to feel sweaty as my body temperature gradually increases, I decided to take a cold shower -it helps to some degree- and wore a baggy tee shirt and some booty shorts. I wanted my skin to be as exposed to the chilling air of December as possible.

Just as I was heading to bed early -because, why not? It's not like I have anything else to do- I heard the door bell followed by a strong knock on the front door. I groaned. I was so not in the mood of guests.

Do people even realize that it's the time for holidays so they have to stay at home? Making my way slowly to the front door, I flung it open, without bothering to peek through the peehole to see who it is.

I wish I did.

I stood there frozen as I took in the tall man standing in my doorway, holding the biggest bouquet of my favorite roses in his arms, a look of nervousness with a small smile on his face. Like he wasn't sure of how I would react with him suddenly showing up.

"Hey, [Y/N]," The man with a white tuft of hair said, "Long time no see,"

I stared at him blankly, "It's only been a couple of days,"

He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly, "I know. It is a long time for me," He licked his lips, "May I come in?"

I took my time to actually look at him. The man had dark bags under his eyes and he looked tired. Exhausted. His shoulders were slumped, and his hands were slightly shaking. Eyes desperate and hopeful. He was clearly anxious.

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