I hate you (Kise Ryouta) Kuroku no Basket

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The echoing sound of the uncountable numbers of pictures taken by the camera, was the only thing you could hear in that medium-sized room, along with the instructions of the photographer which is directed to the young, blond model standing in front of the camera.

Yes. That young model is no one but the famous, Kise Ryouta.

He is the main subject on people's tongues. The gossips, chatters, whispers, and the 'Kya Kya' screams of the girls are following him wherever he goes. He was pretty liked by the young ladies. You could say that he is a 'Lady Killer'. Nevertheless, men are also interested in such a beautiful person such as him.

The fact that he's also a basketball player made him even more famous, which made his name spread around the whole country, making his school's name, Kaijou high school, one of the best schools in basketball in Japan.

Let that aside, the "Generation of Miracles member" nickname was pretty enough for his name to go above the clouds, and make him even more popular than he already is.

However, being famous is not beneficial to the person himself, he'll have to greet his fans and give his signature around each time he leaves his home going for a simple walk or to the nearby convenience store, for example.

Whenever this happens, it drains his body's energy slowly, and gradually, he'll hate being around his fans with all those fake looks and smiles he gives whenever he sees a girl clings into his arm like a glue.

A sigh escaped his lips hopelessly. This is an unusual scene seen from the young model. His schedule is so full of photographic sessions and interviews all over the year, and now it'll become even busier since Christmas is coming in 7 days.

"Good work, Ryou-kun,"

This was told to the blonde as soon as he finished from today's photographic session. The depressed, long sigh was immediately replaced by an ear-to-ear smile and big puppy eyes. A dog's tail could be seen moving right and left in a high speed that you can't even imagine.

"Good work, [Y/N]-san!"

His fatigue has disappeared completely once he looked into the beautiful, kind [eye-color]ed eyes. Usually, people get annoyed when Kise starts his puppy act out of nowhere. But [Y/N] isn't bothered by it at all. To be honest, he loved Kise's puppy character to the point that he could not imagine his life without those stupid, puppy eyes.

Yup, that's right. You didn't read it wrong. He loved Kise being by his side all the time. He love HIM. Having a crush on a celebrity is forbidden because all of the fans would kill him if they were to know about that, so he intended to take his secret feelings with him to his grave.


Their first meeting was very normal. [Y/N] is a famous, professional, skilled celebrity photographer who was assigned to make a photo shoot to the young model Kise Ryouta, who has just hatched out of the egg into the celebrity world.

They have know each other since Kise entered Teiko middle school few years ago. And to their surprise, they both were living in the same neighborhood. They've started to go on small walks to the park or the convenience store. Sometimes, Kise would persist that the older male should join the generation of miracles members when they hang out after school every day. And as a routine, they go together to and back from work side by side.

As an adult, [Y/N] was extremely sad to see each of his beloved children (the GOM XD!) go into different high schools in different cities . But he made sure to keep in contact with them all once in every while.

[Y/N] was very happy that to know that the blonde was also still in contact with most of them, and he was happy to join Kise when he's off to meet the generation of miracles' sixth man, Kuroko Tetsuya. There, he got to know Kuroko's new light, Kagami Taiga, who had a dream to become number one in Japan. And they all got to be good friends. And now, they've decided to hang out in Maji Burger to eat.

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