Family / Pt3 (Zarkon) Voltron

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WARNING: A bit of spoilers. (Kinda)


[Your POV]

My capsule was sucked into the Prince's ship by a laser beam, the moment they knew that we have come in peace and wished to talk. Thankfully, they had agreed to meet. I took a deep breath and raised my hands up in a peaceful gesture the moment the door of the capsule swished open.

As expected, at least ten sentries and guards pointed their weapons at me. I remained in my place. Making a sudden move now would be fatal. So I waited until they told me to move.

Two of them stepped forward, lowering their weapons but not their guard, and proceeded to search up my body from head to toe. They were rough, but made sure not to hurt me.

When the two were done, they nodded to their companion, and three more stepped up and passed me, proceeding to search the capsule this time. It took them a bit longer, but I was patient and had all the time in the world.

Finally, I was led through the dim hallways. I should have found it difficult to see in the dark, but it was the opposite. I saw everything perfectly, even better than when the lights are on. Weird, I know.

What I had found even weirder than that, is the amount of security accompanying me. I mean, do they need this amount of guards to accompany a single person? Does my presence threaten them to this extent?

It was understandable, though. Prince Lotor is being targeted after Zarkon's disappearance, considering he was next in line. So they won't take any chances. This just made my mission even more urgent. If we lost Lotor, we lose a ¹third of the Galra Empire.

I was nervous-scratch that, I was terrified. I don't know what the outcome of this meeting would be, and I hope it would be better than what I had in mind. I hated how my hands trembled, so I fisted them to hide it.

We reached a room, and when the door swished open, I was told to enter. I stepped inside, but jumped when the door swished closed behind me. I was surprised that none of the sentries had followed me inside.

I turned my focus onto the room. As I looked around, I noticed how bare, yet spacious the room was. Like, there was nothing there. It was empty, literally. It was dark and unpleasant; shivers ran through my body.

The only thing that caught my attention, was the floor to ceiling windows. It spread all around the room, showing nothing but the empty, dark outer space. It would have been a great sight, if I hadn't noticed that I wasn't the only one in the room.

There was a man facing the windows. His back straight, shoulders wide, feet apart, hands behind his back. And that flowing silver hair all the way down past his shoulder blades, made him stand out.

Lotor looked so much like his father, that it physically hurt me to look at him, without having me break down. That aura of dominance and stance of confidence, it showed me that just like his father, Lotor was an Alpha.

"I had not been expecting my father to send a mere Omega to negotiate,"

I cursed myself for being so deep in my thoughts, that I hadn't noticed that Lotor had turned around, looking at me sideways. His eyes were sharp, calculating, like he was trying to read my mind, just by looking at me.

"I might be an Omega, but I wasn't sent by Zarkon," I replied, walking further into the room, but still staying away from the prince.

His eyes followed my every move, "Then why are you here?" He asked.

"I just want the war to be over," I stood two meters away from him, facing the window, staring out of it.

"Since when does my father wishes for the war to be over?"

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