Beautiful (Ryugazaki Rei) Free!!

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[3rd POV]

Ryugazaki Rei had always had a penchant for beautiful things. Or people. Especially people. Because, well, life was beautiful. It's only fair when you live it to the fullest with someone as beautiful.

To Rei, beautiful things were hard to see, and people? It was the rarest thing to find. He wasn't only looking at the outside appearance, but in this day and age, it's not easy to find someone with a pure soul.

So, he dedicated himself and his life to find a beautiful person. So far, he hadn'd found any, though he wouldn't stop looking. High school was the last place to find such a person, so he was content surrounding himself in beautiful things only.

Track team wasn't beautiful to him anymore, and his new friend, Nagisa, had introduced him to the beauty of swimming. So he ended up switching clubs, and learning how to swim.

Being in water was beautiful. Feeling the cool water run against his skin as he swam was beautiful. Being with his new friends was beautiful. Competing with other people for the joy of winning was beautiful, too.

It was a new profound obsession to him. It was fun spending after school hours in with the rest of the club practicing. He's learning new things every day.

However, there was this little empty hole on his chest. No matter what he did, he couldn't find anything to fill it. It was like a black hole, a source of negative energy. It might be small, but it was still seeping into his life a little by little, expanding.

He just wished he could find the light that could fill this emptiness.

The only thing he could do, was looking.

And looking, he did. Until one day, he finally found what he was looking for.

The swimming practice was specially hard today, and he felt so tired. He wasn't complaining, though. His whole body ached, but it was good aching. It kept him fit and satisfied.

Rei bid his teammates a good night when the sun was setting, and went home ahead of them. He had to study for a quiz tomorrow -which Nagisa didn't care about- so he was in a bit of hurry. But he ended up forgetting his phone in his haste.

He groaned in frustration. He had wasted enough time as it is in the practice. Wasting anymore time would be bad. He had to take care of his grades.

The school was empty when he returned, and he was thankful for that. It was just a grab and go, and he didn't have the time for anyone to stop him to chat.

The blunette found his phone in the club's meeting room, and he breathed a sigh of relieve. He put it in his bag, then went about to leave the room when he heard a groan of pain and a sickening crack outside, at the back of the building.

He knew it was bad to be curious. You know the saying, curiosity ate the cat? But he went to investigate about it anyway before he changed his mind. How bad could it be? Only one way to find out.

He rounded the building, until he got to the back of it. What he had found there, though, was something that made him stop in his tracks, as he took in the scene before him.

It was the aftermath of chaos. Three students -bulky and beefy, by the way- were knocked out cold. Noses bleeding, probably broken. Their bodies were filled with black and blue bruises. The stench of smocking filled the air.

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