A Dream (Matsuoka Rin) Free!

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A/N: Does anyone have the feeling that every sport anime should be a BL anime?

Also Rin looks so hot in this fanart


[Your POV]

I hate the water.

Not in the not showering or drinking kind of hate, because, ew, that would be so disgusting, and I would die of thirst. But no, that wasn't what I meant. What I meant was, oceans, rivers, or even pools. Any body of water.

They scare me.

I wasn't like that before. In my elementary school years, I was really good at swimming. Won many tournaments and competitions. I still have the prizes I won to prove it. I was obsessed with swimming.

I was called a prodigy, even in my young age.

It was the best time of my life. Everybody was proud of me. Even I was proud of myself. I even travelled the world to compete with other kids my age. It proved to be a challenge, and I loved challenges.

Until that day.

Shaking my head to push those unwanted thoughts out of my head, I focused on what's happening at the moment. After a lot of thinking, I had decided to attend a high school called Samezuka.

Their policy of joining a club is a must, and I had to think real hard about it, which took a lot of time for me to decide. I wasn't interested in any of the clubs. So I ended up joining the swimming club-as a manager.

Mikoshiba Seijuuro, the captain of the swimming team, was introducing us -the first year students- to the upperclassmen. I was the only freshman manager, standing with a bunch of a newly joined swimmers.

The captain asked us to introduce ourselves. I was the last one to introduce myself. And I was the only one wearing the swimming team full uniform, since I was the only one not joining them for practice.

"I'm [L/N] [Y/N], nice to meat you all," I said when it was my turn.

The captain tilted his head to the side as he inspected me from head to toes, "You're not a swimmer?"

My nerves went up a notch, but shook my head, "I've requested to join as a manager," That wasn't total lie, was it?

He hummed, but didn't say anything else. I felt eyes on me, though. The feeling was unnerving, it was like someone was looking right into my soul. That was how strong and unnerving it was.

Me being the nosy person that I am, I looked for the source of the stare. Until my eyes met red ones. Piercing, confident, unfearful. It belonged to one of the upperclassmen, not sure which year he was in.

It was a redhead, with a slightly longer hair, tall, and muscled. His eyes were sharp, cautious, and untrustful. He was glaring at me for no reason. I could probably meet him with a glare of my own, but I don't want any trouble on my first day. Especially with an upper classman. So I looked away.

I should be careful if I wanted to last long enough in this club.


Weeks later, I was doing a good job at handling this manager role. Way too good apparently, because everybody was asking me if I was a manager in my previous school, which I tried my best to evade answering.

I didn't want to be any better than the managers older than me. I also didn't want to keep the attention solely at me, since that's probably what's happening.

Captain Mikoshiba kept me close, though. He asked for my thoughts and opinions about the current training regimen from time to time. He said that he wanted to hear an opinion from a different angle.

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