Together / Pt4 (Lotor) Voltron

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NOTE: Bonus scene at the end! *wink*


"What did you just say?"

Lotor and his generals were getting ready to attend the last meeting of choosing the candidates going onto the space exploration mission, when Narti had burst into his room along with Acxa, who was trying to keep calm but couldn't really hide the worry etched on her face.

Acxa was never one to show any emotions.

"Your mate had collapsed," She said again. Her words were rushed, but clear as day.

Lotor couldn't believe what he was hearing. She said that Kova was with the human when he entered the conference room, and had witnessed how weak the human looked, and how he fell unconscious so suddenly. Thanks to Doctor Holt's quick thinking, he was taken to the Garrison's infirmary's emergency room.

The Emperor's mind went blank. He had done too much; must have pushed his mate too far. No use feeling guilty now that he was the reason of [Y/N]'s currently bad state. He had to fix this before it was too late. He had to make sure his mate was fine.

He had to get to his mate. Like, ASAP. He would never forgive himself if he lost his one and only chance at happiness. He knew he did him wrong. He would put his pride aside, get on his knees and beg for his mate to forgive him.

If he woke up. And that's a big if.

Lotor doesn't know how he managed to reach the infirmary in the state of mind he was in. He couldn't see past his worries and fears. What he knows for sure is that his generals were right behind him, equally worried about the doctor.

They found many people gathered outside the room when they reached it, including the paladins of Voltron. It seemed that Lotor was emitting the darkest aura anyone was able to emit. It was fit for his position as an Emperor of the most dangerous race in the whole universe.

It scared the humans gathered, who instantly scattered away from the group. It should have satisfied him that he was able to instill fear in them without lifting a finger, but he couldn't bring himself to feel so. Not now. His sole goal at the moment was to get to his mate.

He snarled viciously when Shiro stepped in front of him, putting a hand up in front of him to stop his progress. His intimidating techniques didn't work on the Captain, who stood his ground, unfearful, but still calm. The Emperor had always admired his courage, although he had no time for it now.

When intimidation didn't work, Shiro proceeded to put a single hand on his chest to stop him from advancing further, when he tried to go around to pass him. The human knew better than to get between him and his mate. If they continued stopping him, they would be eliminated.

"Calm down, Lotor," Shiro had said. The Emperor narrowed his eyes dangerously. He didn't like the ordering tone the man was using. They might be friends, but if he continued blocking the way; to hell with this friendship.

"They got eyes on you," Shiro's whisper was so low, that only the alien heard him. Lotor understood what the Captain was implying. Although the humans were afraid, they were still reaching for the weapons they carried, albeit subtly. They were so distrustful, but they couldn't be blamed.

"I wouldn't dare hurt my mate," He announced loudly, confidently, making sure that every single one of them heard it. The collective gasps and widening of their eyes was comical, but Lotor couldn't be bothered by it.

Even Shiro was surprised, and it takes a lot to surprise him. By the look on his face, he wasn't expecting it one bit. And then a barely suppressed grin showed on his face. "Then don't let us stop you,"

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