Love and Friends (Lance McClain) Voltron

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A/N: Well, here's some Langst guys.

Happy Holidays! Enjoy!


(Lance's POV)

'Have you ever loved someone?'

That is a question you get asked a lot. Family? Maybe some friends? People actually love hearing the answer of this question for some reason. They subconsciously want to get to know the likes and dislikes of the person they asked said question.

Love is an emotion every human being have. It's the feel of a strong affection towards another human being, whether it's familial, friendly, or even sexual. Perhaps even an inanimate item given by a beloved one. Or a hobby. Or your career. Or anything.

If you want my answer? Sure. Who didn't love? I have been raised in a big family. And when I say big, I mean BIG. Grandparents, mom, dad, two brothers, two sisters, a sister in law, a nephew, and a niece.

Shocking, right? But they were my everything. And I loved them dearly. I mean, they can be annoying and loud sometimes -all the time to be honest- but big families tend to be just like that. Did I mention that they were loud? Sorry, just to make sure the point got across.

But let's stop talking about my family.

You can show love to your friends too. As much as I love my family, I can't have fun with them the way I do with my friends. You can be crazy with them. Talk about anything, laugh at silly jokes, do pranks, et cetera. You just basically get another set of not-by-blood siblings.

And the best thing about friends, is that you keep meeting new ones at every aspect of your life. From childhood, all the way to adulthood.

At the Galaxy Garrison, as a new cadet, I had to make friends. I was ecstatic when I met Hunk. We may have our own differences, but we instantly clicked and became best friends real fast.

Man, my friend could cook! I don't exaggerate when I say that his cooking is simply mouth watering. Just one taste and you're addicted. It's insane how he can turn a hobby into a passion. But he does it perfectly nonetheless.

We were asked to be in groups of three, and that's how we met Pidge for the first time. Weird name, right? I mean, who name their kids 'Pidge'?! But no judgement.

Pidge was the brains of our little group. Annoying little brat but turned out to be a genius in, well, everything. Period. I mean, I AM smart! -don't listen to people who try to tell you otherwise- but Pidge is just inhumanly, out of the world smart.

Keith? Ugh. Blergh. *gagging* Do I have to talk about him? I don't even consider him as a friend! Full stop. He's my long life rival. An enemy. He's annoying. Arrogant. Repulsive. SelfISH PIECE OF-Calm down, Lance. He's not worth it. You're better than him anyway..... right? RIGHT?!

Okay, rant's over. Got sidetracked. Sorry!

Anyway, as a formerly seventeen years old Cuban boy, my eyes tend to wander. I have needs, urges like any other normal teenager. You know what I mean, right? I don't have to act upon them, though. And what gets my attention?


I mean Holy chocolate chip muffins, have you SEEN girls? They come in every size, shape, and color. I might as well be in a garden full of roses. And I find ALL girls beautiful. No exception whatsoever. Each and every one of them has a distinct personality and appearance that you just can't help but feel attracted to. And what do I do when I see a pretty lady?

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