Scars (Nanase Haruka) Free!

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A/N: There are some SPOILERS!

Please watch the anime before reading this.

This was kinda rushed so sorry if it came out horrible :'(



[3rd POV]

Nanase Haruka likes to swim.

Ever since he was able to, it became an obsession to him. All he thought about was the water, or when the next time he's going for a swim, is gonna be.

He feels that the water is as alive as his beating heart. He cannot describe the feeling precisely, all he knows is that he never felt anything like this before. Or that's what his 6 years old brain had told him.

Nothing really matched the feeling he's having whenever he's near the water. Sure, he might be found with a pencil in his hand, doodling away in his free time, but it wasn't an interest. Although many complemented his talent on paper.

Until he met little [Y/N].

They met in grade school, when [Y/N] kept staring at the sketches and doodles he was drawing in his notebook. The boy sat in front of Haru's desk, but had always turned around, putting both arms on the back of his chair, resting his chin on them. [Y/N] had always the look of awe and a small smile on his face, and Haru seemed to enjoy the little moments of quiet they both shared.

One day, Haru silently offered a blank paper from his notebook and an extra pencil to the boy, then watched in fascination as the boy's [Eye Color]ed eyes lit up as he accepted the offer. No words were exchanged between them, but they both cannot deny the enjoyment they had felt at that moment.

They became friends fast. Haru wasn't one to talk much, but [Y/N] was a persistent boy. He kept talking and talking, not really expecting an answer that consisted of more than a word from his new friend.

Until swimming was mentioned.

Haru took [Y/N] by the hand and led him to the nearest swimming pool one day, that happened to be inside the school, thankfully. The black haired boy didn't hesitate to take off his clothes and dive into the cold water, splashing some on poor [Y/N]'s face.

[Y/N] giggled in delight, though, as he wiped the water from his face and hair. He took off his shoes, followed by his socks, and sat on the edge of the pool, dipping his little feet into the slightly cold water, as he watched Haru finish his lap.

When Haru finally emerged from the water, he noticed the absence of his friend. He looked around the pool, until his blue eyes landed on the small figure sitting at the edge of the pool, happily splashing the water with his feet.

He swam to his friend, "Let's swim?"

[Y/N]'s smile waned, but didn't disappear. He looked at his friend, it was the first time he saw Haru being passionate about anything, and he didn't want to ruin that. Swimming must be something very important to him. He didn't want to be a bad friend.

"I don't know how to swim," Lying was the safest option at the moment. What could possibly go wrong with a little white lie?

A lot, apparently.

"I'll teach you,"

Haru grabbed his hand and encouraged him to take off his clothes. [Y/N] tried to reason that didn't have a swimming suit with him, not really expecting to go swimming, but Haru happily lent him one of his.

When they were finally in the water, [Y/N] became nervous. But he did his best not to show it. It was once in a lifetime experience that he got to play with his new friend. It was fun for the first couple of hours, but then [Y/N] started to have difficulty in breathing.

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