Ours (Keith Kogane) Voltron

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A/N: A little fangirl stuff here~~

O.M.G!!! I just finished watching Voltron and I'm so addicted!! 8 seasons weren't enough for me *cries*

I mean I don't have a favorite character because I love them all *INTERNAL FANGIRL SCREAM*

Anyways... here's a one-shot! Enjoy!!!!


"Okay Paladins, here's our next mission," Shirogane Takashi, or just Shiro, The black paladin, the pilot of the black lion, and the leader of the Voltron team addressed his team in the control bridge.

For millennia, the Galra Empire has plagued the universe by destroying other civilizations and enslaving various races. The only known threat strong enough to go against the empire's power and plans, is the legendary Defender of the Universe called Voltron, a robot warrior composed of five lion robots whose pilots are known as the Paladins.

At the crux of the war that ended with the destruction of planet Altea, King Alfor of Altea separated Voltron's lions to protect it from falling into the evil Galran King Zarkon's possession. King Alfor bonded the five lions' energies to his daughter Allura's life force and sent them across the universe to different locations until the time for the next generation of Paladins to appear and pilot Voltron arrived.

The paladins have gathered and along with Princess Allura and her advisor Coran, they have found the rest of the lions and have begun their mission to stop the Galra empire from conquering and destroying more planets and more civilizations.

They all are traveling across the universe in an old castle slash war space ship that was built big enough to contain all the lions of Voltron and to make it easier for the paladins to travel between galaxies. The ship's name was 'Castle of Lions'.

"Zarkon has been searching for something lately, sending out troops and patrols looking. Apparently, what he was looking for was someone, not something," Shiro continued.

A screen popped up in front of the young paladins, Coran, and the princess. It contained a clear picture of the person Shiro was currently talking about.

"His name is [Y/N] [L/N]. According to the information we had collected from the Castle of Lions that my father, King Alfor, had left for me, he apparently is able to pilot any and all of the lions," Princess Allura explained further.

"What?! How is that even possible?" Lance exclaimed loudly, like always.

"Yeah! Only paladins were supposed to be the only ones to pilot the lions, right?" Hunk backed up his friend.

"Aren't paladins supposed to form bonds or whatever with the lions? How could a total stranger do that?" Pidge added worriedly.

"Well, we don't have answers to those questions. However, all we know now is that we have to find this guy before Zarkon does. He could answer all of our questions when we find him then,"

"Easier said than done," Pidge mumbles and everyone silently agreed.

Keith frowned as he concentrated on the picture in front of him. If Zarkon is really looking for him, it means he's also a threat to Voltron and everyone else.

He could not be trusted.


And so, the paladins have begin their search of [Y/N]. The last whereabouts were on a planet already occupied by the Galra space army. So they had to sneak undetected onto said planet, and look for him without being caught in the process.

They disguised themselves with clothes and left their lions back in the Castle of Lions, just away from the Galran radars where they could be safe. They would be attacked the minute they appear on the enemy's radar. Better be safe than sorry.

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