Theirs / Pt2 (Makoto + Sauske) Free!!

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Note: This is an Omegaverse polyramous relationship... again, don't like, don't read!



[3rd POV]

As much as the human wished the two vampires to show him how much they loved him, how much they cared about him, they wouldn't dare lay a finger on him. Not sexually, at least.

You wanna know the reason? Drumroll please....

Because he was injured.

[Y/N] understands where they were coming from. The Alphas were just afraid that they might hurt him unintentionally, that they might open the wound once again.

But it was the most frustrating thing the Omega had ever encountered. It was just a stab wound in the thigh, he's not gonna die because of it.

He tried seducing them so many times. Each time, they kissed his cheek, the back of his hand, or just patted him on the head, then gently pushed him away.

They were rejecting him every. Single. Time. And he was sick of it.

It came to the point that Souske wouldn't stay at the same room as him anymore, always choosing to leave the moment [Y/N] walks -more like limps- into the room. Because he can't seem to keep his hands to himself.

'This sucks', The Omega thought in defeat.

Maybe they just don't feel like doing anything sexual with him? Maybe they were just considerate enough to give him a chance to heal first before they made their move?

Or maybe... they just don't feel that way anymore...?

Sure, the three of them confessed their love to each other. They were past that step already. So what was the delay? [Y/N] can't think of one good reason why they shouldn't do the deed.

It's been three weeks already. The wound had healed nicely. All that's left behind is a baby pinkish scar. It didn't bother the human at all. He wore it proudly.

Maybe they didn't like damaged goods..?

The thought made him pause, as he examined his fresh scar on the full body mirror in their bathroom. He ran the pads of his fingers across the pinkish flesh.

He was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't realize he spent so long inside, he hadn't hear the knock on the door, his name being called a couple of times, nor the door opening from the outside.


The Omega was snapped out of his thoughts, and looked behind him to see a worried Makoto standing by the door. The vampire's eyes widened as he noticed the red rimmed [Eye Color]ed eyes.

He stepped forward into the bathroom, and took [Y/N]'s face between his hands. "What's wrong?"

The human shook his head as he tried to take a step back and away, but Makoto was having none of it. "Talk to me, please. Tell me what's wrong,"

"Nothing is wrong," [Y/N] mentally cursed at how broken his voice sounded.

"Then why are you on the verge of tears?" The brunette asked, "That can't mean nothing,"

"I'm just tired," The human sidestepped the vampire and exited the bathroom, "I want to go to bed,"

He started sleeping in their room, in their own bed, since they were both so possessive of him to even allow him to think to sleep anywhere else. Not that he wanted to.

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