I want you (Murasakibara Atsushi) Kuroku no Basket

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"Whoa! There it is! Thor's Hammer!!"

"That huge guy is awsome!"

"The other team are doomed. They can never beat Yosen,"

Anyone could hear the people talking about how strong Yosen high school basketball club is. It's all thanks to the giant that has the color 'purple' in his family name.

It was only a matter of time until Yosen basketball club has beaten the other school in their practice match. The purple giant -AKA Murasakibara Atsushi- didn't wish to participate in this stupid match. However, he was forced to keep the promise with him.

A black haired male approached him with a face full of sweat and a smile on it. "Well, aren't you happy, Atsushi? You kept your side of that promise. Go get your prize," Himuro said, still smiling, grinning, to be specific.

"I'd do that without you telling me, Muro-chin~" He said to the older male with his famous lazy tone, as he wiped the sweat on his face with a towel that was given to him along with a plastic bottle of water.


The Yosen team said their farewells and left the defeated team's school grounds after taking a refreshing, quick shower. Each one of them was heading home, but the two aces have a place they wanted to stop by before going home.

As per usual, Murasakibara would be crushing his snacks between his teeth. But today, he decided against it, for the first time in his life. He was kind of excited, though he never show it on his face.

Although Himuro wanted to burst out laughing at the sudden change of routine, he held his laughter back as possible as he could. He only wanted to feed his curiosity by watching the ever lazy -now excited- partner walking beside him.

'How would this turn out to be, I wonder? This would be very amusing,' Himuro thought, who couldn't help but grin. Glancing at the bigger teen with the corners of his eyes.

As the two reached their destination, which is a very famous, yet old snack store, they spotted a young man waving at a small kid who just got out of the store hand in hand with his little sister, waving back at the man.

The gentle smile on the man's face never faded as he watched the two kids vanish before his eyes. He let out a mute breath from his nose as he was about to get inside the store, escaping the unbearable heat of the sun.

"[Y/N]-san!" Shouted Himuro, drawing the attention of the young man to the two aces. Turning around to face them, his smile grew with a tiny blush on his flower-like cheeks.

"Atsushi-kun! Tatsu-kun! How was the practice match?"

'Oh, so he started with Atsushi. What an obvious couple,' The black haired male thought again, can't stop grinning.

"We won, of course. Now you have to keep your side of the promise, [Y/N]-chin," Said the purple giant, trying so hard to hide the blush on his face, and the excitement in his eyes.

"Of course I will," Smiled [Y/N], inviting the two inside of the building, which consists of two floors. The ground one is used to run the snack store. The other one is where [Y/N] lives with his aunt, "The new flavored pockey that I promised, right? It's upstairs, in my room. Come on in, you two," He invited them inside.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]-san," Apologized the shorter ace, "I have other plans to do. So.. maybe some other time?" Himuro pointed out, turning to leave the two of them alone.

Leave the two of them alone.

The two of them alone.


"T-T-Tatsu...kun..?" Sweat beads started to form on [Y/N]'s forehead. The heat of the sun was defiantly NOT the reason of this sweat. He just can't stand being alone with the person he as a huge crush on.

"Oh by the way, you two," Himuro turned 90 degree to face them, wearing a grin with a very scary expression on his face, "Don't make me wait for so long, finish what you two have to do now, before I do it myself," He said that and left.

Himuro Tatsuya was angry. Very much so.

Oh you just don't dare to see the other side of Himuro Tatsuya.

"...I w-wonder what T-Tatsu-kun meant by that. Anyways, l-let's go inside," [Y/N] decided to play dumb, acting like he doesn't know what the black haired male meant. 'You were supposed to help me, not to leave me alone with Atsushi-kun!!' He screamed in his mind.

As the two went inside the store, a middle aged woman, that looked like a slightly different but older version of [Y/N] , welcomed the giant teen like she always do.

"Auntie, I'm going to take my break now," [Y/N] said to his aunt, walking directly to the stairs, with Murasakibara following him, "You always take your break when Atsushi-chan is around," She teased he young nephew, as she noticed his flushing face as he dashed upstairs.

They walked to [Y/N]'s room. Him entering first, leaving the door open for Murasakibara to enter after him, "Well, this new flavor arrived today so you won't see it in the store until we unpack them," He begun talking, hearing a slight 'click' where the giant is standing, near the somehow, closed door.

'Am I imagining things?' He thought, but he shook off that thought immediately.

"But just to keep my promise to you, I'll give you a whole box of it. Oh of course you don't have to-"

"I never said that I wanted Pockey,"

[Y/N]'s eyes widened at the sudden seriousness he heard in the ace's voice, turning around to see him throwing his bag on the floor with a big thud. "E-eh? D-did you by any chance said you wanted something-"

"I said that you would give me anything I want. And anything means anything, [Y/N]-chin,"

Now, he was removing his Yosen jersey, throwing it recklessly on the floor, walking towards the older male, who took a step back, feeling his heart pounding like it was about to explode by any minute now.

"A-Atsushi-kun? What are-"

The next thing [Y/N] knew, that he was thrown on the soft bed behind him, trapped by the big muscular arms on both sides of his smaller body. "A-Atsushi-kun? This isn't funny.." [Y/N] protested, trying to push Murasakibara away from him.

Oh but who could move the owner 'Thor's hammer' grip?

[Y/N]'s was flushed with a very dark shade of red. As the younger male kissed him right on the lips. He never asked for permission yet he slipped his tongue inside his mouth without any second thoughts.

That French kiss kept for about one minute or slightly more, forming a thin line of mixed saliva leaking from the corner of [Y/N]'s mouth. The later begun pushing Murasakibara's chest weakly asking for air, and he was granted after few more moments.

The older male gasped for air and started to pant, while the giant took this chance to unzip his pants and removing his underwear, to get a better access to [Y/N]'s lower half.

Murasakibara licked his lips while enjoying the view in front of him. The mess he made out of [Y/N] turns him on like there's no tomorrow, "[Y/N]-chin is so wet down here just from me kissing you? So pervert~"

How about we leave the rest to your imaginations?


A/N : This is like, the longest one ever!

I don't know but I think I made Murasakibara slightly out of charater,

I think you deserve some explanations too! This one shot talks about how Murasakibara saying that he hates playing basketball because it's so troublesome. So the reader wanted to encourage him to play in the practice match and promised him to give him anything he wanted. And that's how the title came out haha! About Himuro, he knew long ago that these two have crush on each other so he just wanted to help them a little by leaving the two of them alone. That's it!

Hope you enjoy!

Thank you for reading!

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