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Multimedia check
- maleia's outfit


I woke up earlier than usual because it's the first day of class. I'm very excited tho kasi I am now pursuing my dream to be a fashion designer. I discovered this dream when we were still in New York. My parents are very supportive with this, they even enrolled me to some classes and trainings when I was in high school. I also do modelings but if my parents only allowed me to, "it depends on the brand", as per my mom said.

I showered and do my morning rituals. I wore a gray tank top and a black skirt , matched it with a black crop blazer. I also wore my favorite necklace and lastly, my black slingbag. I put some light and natural make up.

I made a final checked on my bag if I did not forget anything and then bumaba na to eat breakfast . Naabutan ko dun ang mga kapatid ko and Alannis. They all glanced at me.

"Your skirt's too short, Maleia."  Clyde stared at me when I sit in my chair.

"Really?" I looked down at my skirt and pouted  my lips.

"Sakin na kayo sumabay." Kai pointed at me and Alannis. "Clyde, kuya Caleb will drive you to school." I nodded and nagpatuloy na sa pagkain.

Just for you guys to know, Alannis and Kai are at the same age, 18 years old but because we need to go back here, they need to go back to 1st year because the subjects wasn't credited. That's why we are now on the same year. Alannis took the same course as me and Kai took Civil Engineering while Kuya Caleb took Legal Management. Clyde wasn't sure yet what to pursue in college. He's been silent about it. Clyde's enrolled in a different school but will study in Ateneo also for college.

The ride to school is not too long because we are living in White Plains. We got off kuya's car.

"I'll go now, I have 8am class." Kaiser said then left.

"Ali, our class starts at 9 pa. Let's buy coffee muna?" She nodded immediately and cling her arm to me kaya we went to Starbucks. She's wearing black puff dress so were kinda matchy for today.

When we got our orders , I took a snap photo of me holding the coffee. I decided to be active on social media since I'm now in college. I posted it on my IG story and put a caption in it "essential".

Alannis just laughed at me , probably not expecting me to be back at social media this time.

"Where's your boyfriend btw?" She sipped on her drink while waiting for my answer.

I checked on my phone if he sent me a text or chat but none. I expected he would send me some 'goodluck on your first day in school' message.

"I don't know. Might be busy. I know he have morning class, eh." I sighed and sent an imessage on him.

To: Babe .💞

Hi babe! Good morning :) wat u doin? Class?

I waited for few minutes but no response.

Just a side story, Me and my boyfriend, Jaeger, met in New york last year during Christmas Holidays. We exchanged convos until we became a couple. Don't judge me, I am not an easy-to-get. He courted me for like 5 months before I gave him a "yes". When he gave me the news of him studying in the Philippines, I thought of breaking up with him because I don't believe long distance relationship works. Yea, it will work. But not that long. I want a long lasting relationship, though. The break up didn't happen because he assured me we were gonna work.

When the bell rings, me and Alannis went to our room for our 1st subject. It was a minor subject so chill lang. I'm bored so I busied myself looking at the new faces inside the classroom. I want to gain friends in college, I want to increase my social circle. My classmates are mostly girls, there are gays also but nabibilang lang yung guys.

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