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“Hey, I’m Harry. Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“Hey, yeah it’s my first day Im Za-”

“Why you talking to that freak Hazza?” Louis interrupted and Zayn’s face dropped immediately from his slightly shy smile to a genuinely hurt expression.

“He seems nice.” Harry said defensively, smiling at Zayn. Harry didn’t know what it was about the tanned boy, but there was something about him that made him feel funny inside; like he wanted to fuck him senseless, but then cuddle him afterwards and then so it all over again for the rest of his life- it was a really strange feeling.

“Nice? He’s a fucking freak! Just look at that stupid quiff.” Louis laughed and Niall and Liam came up behind him, giggling along as they looked at Zayn’s sad face- Zayn was sensitive and it was obviously getting to him. But at least this Harry guy was nice, maybe he would become his first friend…

Harry looked torn as the others stared at him expectantly and Zayn smiled at him hopefully. “Haha, yeah sorry Lou….I didn’t notice how fucking stupid he looked.” Both his and Zayn’s hearts sank simultaneously, Harry’s out of guilt and Zayn’s because he thought maybe Harry was different.


Things got from bad to worse for Zayn and Harry too for that matter. Louis was the ring leader and everyone seemed to do as he said “Look at little Zayny, fucking little queer. Does Zayny like it up the arse like a fucking little cock sucker?”

“Yes actually, I do. I can’t get enough of it. Neither can your dad if last night is anything to go by.” Zayn grinned back. Harry stifled a laugh as Louis turned around gave him dog eye, before turning back to Zayn and hitting him in the stomach “Don’t talk about my dad you little freak.” He snarled and Zayn fell to the floor.

Harry wanted to help him, he really did, but Louis kept looking at him angrily, stepping over the inured boy who was crumpled up on the floor and signalling for Harry to follow. Harry nodded his head and walked after him, kicking Zayn in the stomach as he went, just to impress Niall and Liam who were following closely behind.


“This one’s his I think. Have you got the lube Harry?” Louis asked, locating Zayn’s locker in the corridor and checking that nobody was coming. Harry moved forwards reluctantly, pulling the lid off the bottle and squeezing the contents into the grill on the front of the locker, just as Zayn came running down the corridor. Harry dropped the offending object as if it was burning him and looked horrified as Zayn opened his locker with tears in his eyes, all of his books covered in the liquid. He picked up two pieces of paper and started trying to wipe them with his sleeve “these are photos of my grandparents. They’re the only photos I’ve got of them you idiots.” He said, voice broken as he fought to hold back the tears, determined not to cry in front of them.

“Good. They’d be ashamed to have a little cock lover like you as a grandson anyway.” Louis jibed and Zayn clenched his fist at the same time as Harry, both of them ready to hit him. Louis just laughed, patting Harry on the back “Haha, nice impression of the little gay Hazza, but you’re just not enough of a freak to pull it off.” Louis walked off and Harry was forced to follow, shooting Zayn and apologetic glance, but going completely unnoticed as Zayn tried frantically to clean his precious items.


Things stayed like that for the next few months; Harry, Louis, Niall and Liam took it in turns to do things to Zayn- cutting locks of his hair when he least expected it, stealing his books, tripping him over as he walked down the corridor.

It wasn’t until it was Louis’ turn once again, that things finally got too much for Harry. Zayn loved art and Zayn was on track to get an A* in his coursework with his masterpiece which he had spent two months on; moreover, the picture looked suspiciously like Harry with the green eyes and curls, but Louis seemed too stupid to notice, and Harry was too confused to mention it.

Louis enlisted the other guys’ help in sneaking into the art studio and grabbing some bottles of bright pink paint, squirting the words ‘freak’ and ‘gay’ right over the front just as Zayn walked in and saw it. Harry was standing there, shaking his head as he saw Zayn running forwards and wrestling the paint from Louis’ grasp, getting it all over himself as he did so. Louis laughed as Zayn sat down on the floor and started crying “I’m going to fail now, thanks to you four twats.”

Louis turned to Harry laughing, but Harry stood there staring while Niall and Liam kicking Zayn lightly just to add insult to injury. “Come on Hazza, it’s funny. Just look at the little baby.”Louis said. 

“No, it’s not funny at all Louis, this meant something to him and he’s not even a freak, he’s a nice guy. You’re the freak- you’ve got some weird obsession with causing him pain, and you two aren’t any better just laughing along with him because you don’t have a brain of your own.” He said, turning to Niall and Liam “And I’m gay Louis so are you going to start bullying me now?”

Harry’s friends stood with mouths gaping until Louis finally signalled for them to “leave the two freaks to fuck each other like the little cock suckers they are”.

“I’m so sorry Zayn, maybe we can wash the paint off if we Hurry.” Harry said, walking over to Zayn and pulling him up from the floor.

“Don’t be stupid Harry, it’s ruined.” He replied, swinging his arms around to get Harry to leave him alone.

“Look, I’m sorry Zayn, for everything, pleases don’t be angry.”

“Do you know what the stupid thing is Harry? I’m not even angry at you for that, I’m disappointed that you would be such a little coward to follow that Louis kid around, copying his every move for some reason.”

“You just saw me standing up to him, what more do you want?”

“I don’t want anything from you Harry” Zayn replied “It’s too late for any of th-”

Harry cut Zayn off, jumping forwards and holding his cheeks in place as he forced him lips onto Zayn’s. Zayn pulled away at first, but soon settled into the feeling when Harry pushed their hips together. After a couple of minutes Harry pulled away “Do you still want nothing from me?”

Zayn shook his head, rejoining their lips, but Harry pulled away again “I am sorry you know? Let me make it up to you. The picture, what are you gonna do about it?”

Zayn laughed “Harry, that’s a picture of you, that’s not my final coursework piece, I’m not stupid enough to leave that lying around with Louis around.”

Harry laughed too, kissing Zayn for another few seconds before pulling away again “This feels weird….no, good weird; it’s all warm and fuzzy. Zayn? Would you find it weird if I told you I love you?”

“Very weird, but I love you too, so I’ll let you off.”

“Good. I love you Zayn.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2013 ⏰

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