Grocery Shopping

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Harry awoke with a heaving groan as a tough weight pounded on his chest, a laboured breath splaying over his face as he tried to regain the sleepy state.

“Haaaarrryyyyy” Louis whined playfully, a smile evident through his tone; a cheeky voice that Harry had come to find comfort in when his emotions were somewhat low.

He only grunted in reply, a muffled ‘mmphg’ lightly escaping his slightly parted rosy lips. Louis adjusted himself so he sat straddling Harry, guessing he was sitting over his hips but not knowing surely from the crisp white duvet covering his body and the added factor of Harry’s extremely long torso. Finding the lazy response from Harry somewhat unsatisfying, he brought out his, mostly lovable, childish personality and constantly repeated Harry’s name until he received a sluggish hit which barely caught his bicep with Harry’s sleepy aim.

Sighing in defeat, Louis lifted himself off his fiancée and slumped out the room. Harry let out a deep breath of relief and snuggled himself back into the warm cocoon, a smile tugging at his lips from the extra permitted sleep.

Suddenly, when Harry was creeping into the unresponsive stage of sleep, the door banged off the wall and a voice blasted through the room;


Louis screeched through as he pranced around their bedroom; twirling and jumping in an inexperienced ballet dancer motion. He jumped onto the bed, narrowly missing Harry’s foot, and continued his bashful singing; the tone not as sweet as normal with the power he was singing with. As he reached the similar line of the second chorus, he did a, not so elegant, jump off the bed; spreading his legs into splits and raising his arms above his head. With a graceful landing, he spun round to find Harry’s head smothered in a white pillow to block out the racket he was making.

“Please Harry, I want to go to the shops” Louis said dejectedly, creeping over to the bed and perching on the edge.

He heard a stifled ‘no’ through the pillows, as well as a few other incoherent words.

“But they have strawberries Harry, and I really want some strawberries…” Louis explained, pouting like a child. Another declining noise sounded through the stuffed mass and Louis resorted to the only way he knew would work. He slipped into the bed, lying next to Harry and angling his head towards Harry’s covered face.

“Well I was going to have a look for some ideas for the food we could have for the wedding but I mean if you don’t want to then-” Louis was interrupted by Harry shooting upwards, his body sitting upright and the annoying pillow thrown to the opposite side of the room.

“Really?!” Harry asked excitedly, a heart-warming grin gracing his lips with pure thrill, all sleepy traces dispersed. Louis bit his lip and nodded innocently, widening his eyes for the classic ‘puppy dog eyes’ effect to ensure the trip would happen.

“Well come on then!” Harry exclaimed, jumping out of bed as fast as lightning to get dressed hurriedly.

The two boys strode down the empty pathway, fingers entwined and swinging back and forth.  The warm sun beat on their thin t-shirt clad backs, gaining the return of their acclaimed sunglasses to grace their eyes; creating an urge in both boys to turn back home and fuck the other senseless. They approached the small store, the cool air conditioning breezing over their bare arms as they entered. Both lifted their sunglasses off their eyes; Louis’ to over his messily styled hair and Harry’s to hanging off his collar.

“So what are we looking for? I was thinking that because it’s a summer wedding that we should have like a red, orange and yellow theme for the food? Like maybe have-“

“STRAWBERRIES!” Louis yelled, pulling Harry over to the small stand of boxed fruits. He looked at them in awe, mouth watering slightly from the sight.

Louis’ slim fingers reached forward to the juicy treat, edging their way to pick up one. However they were immediately slapped away by Harry who sent Louis that stern look which had been delivered many a time. Louis looked up through his thick black eyelashes innocently, fluttering them open and closed as a method of persuasion. Harry’s green orbs didn’t falter though, well maybe only slightly but really, who could resist that look fully?

“I’ll just have one; please?” Louis pleaded.

“No Lou, you remember what happened last time you did that don’t you? I don’t want to have to buy the whole stand, because you know what will happen then”

“Well I don’t mind that…”

“But I do! I really can’t be bothered with one of your hyper states right now”

“But a plus side of that, is that you get loads of sex” Louis said optimistically.

“I guess…but hey, I thought we were shopping for food for the wedding?” Harry pointed out, eyebrows furrowing in mild confusion.

“Erm yeh about that…”

“You didn’t come for wedding food ideas did you?” Harry asked rhetorically, shaking his head in realisation; knowing he should’ve expected it. Ever since Louis proposed to him last Christmas, he’d been so excited nobody could even comprehend. Any slight mention made him burst into action; spurting out ideas of random necessities for the day. He was honestly the most excited man on the planet. At 23, he acted as if he was a 5 year old with the prospect of going to the sweet shop; his eyes lighting up with a special glint.

“So do we actually need anything else from here?” Harry asked bluntly.

“Well I guess we could get stuff to fill the fridge, I was thinking of having the girls over for dinner; y’know like sibling bonding plus fiancée? So I’ll probably make them like spag bol or something easy”

“Spag bol, okay, so all we need is tomatoes and mince? We have loads of tinned tomatoes in the cupboard and all that shit so just the fresh stuff?” Harry concurred.

“Yep” Louis said, popping the ‘p’ with his lips and smiling sweetly. The whole domesticated side to Harry was rather cute as he often liked to play the ‘woman’ of the house and pamper Louis.

They strolled through the aisles, collecting the appropriate items and throwing them in the metal basket. They reached the checkout, but Louis stopped suddenly with a look of remembrance on his face. With a muttered “one minute” and a finger gesture, Louis scuttled off back into the depths of food. Awkwardly, Harry turned to the cashier and unpacked the goods to the side of the till. As he was about to pay, Louis reappeared by his side, smiling another innocent smile up at him whilst hiding something behind his back.

“What is it?” Harry asked reluctantly, knowing that whatever Louis had hidden wasn’t going to be anything good. Louis slowly pulled his hands from behind his back to reveal the plastic carton of red juicy fruits.

“No, no way” Harry said curtly. Louis whined in reply, pouting and crossing his arms in annoyance.

“But technically these can be as testers for the wedding. I mean you did say you wanted red food and these are red so we can buy these to test yeh? Great, thanks Harry” Louis said quickly, answering the unspoken words to leave Harry baffled. He snatched them from Louis’ hands which were travelling to the cashier who was waiting patiently.

“We are not having strawberries at our wedding Louis; I do not want to have to try and keep up with you being hyped up on strawberries and get tired out straight away on what is supposed to be the best day of my life, okay?” Harry said sternly, reducing Louis to a feeble nod and reluctant return of the packaged fruit.

Harry finally paid for their bought goods and took Louis’ hand to lead him out the shop; pulling him past the strawberry stand which had caused so much hassle.

As they wandered through the sunny streets of London, hand in hand, plastic bags wafting through the warm air in their other hands, neither spoke a word; just snuck lingering glances at each other out the corner of their eyes.

Neither would apologise just yet; but everyone knew that Harry would give in and they would have strawberries at the wedding; leading to a hyper Louis and lots of wedding night sex.

A successful trip to the grocery store one would think; or maybe just Louis for that matter.

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