Sleeping Next To You {Niam}

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Liam’s eyes felt clammy and resistant as he tried to open them. He knew he had to force himself to wake up or else he’d never leave the bed, but he just really couldn’t be bothered - he’d had a day full of dancing and singing so could you blame him? Finally, after prising them open slowly and adjusting to the blinding light that shone through the window - because supposedly he now doesn’t have time to shut the curtains - his eyes darted around the room.

He felt a shuffle beside him, and immediately his eyes shot to the blonde haired boy lying next to  him. Flinching in shock as he noticed his roommate for the week almost cuddling into him, Liam stared at him in bewilderment.

The boy’s name was Niall. He was likeable; he had a carefree attitude, was always laughing, and seemed genuinely happy. His joyousness rubbed off on Liam, even through the tough and tiring dance routine they had to learn. He did funny like actions to Liam, making the fair haired boy chuckle under his breath - he really didn’t want another stern look from the choreographer.

Although he liked the lad, this was a little too personal. Liam wasn’t much of a hugger in the first place, and he wasn’t sure how he let the boy fall asleep next to him. Obviously it wasn’t on purpose, as they were still in their casual clothes from the hard day at Bootcamp, but still, Liam would normally have shuffled at least to the other side of the small bed.

It was weird, waking up with Niall Horan for the first time.

~ * ~

It was raining heavily when Liam woke up that Tuesday morning. It must’ve been early, because he could hear the birds chirping outside and he’d come to notice that past 8 o’clock in the morning, they wouldn’t tweet so much.  Liam always liked waking up early, before all the hustle and bustle. It set him off for the day rather refreshed, calm and serene.

He was calm, just staring out the window, until he became aware of the heavy weight resting on his arm. His eyes trailed down and landed upon the back of a figure. They weren’t too close, barely touching apart from the fact his arm was underneath them, but still close enough to be different to usual.

The bright blonde mop showed that it was Niall who was lying next to him. His band-mate. Not roommate, band-mate. It was strange, seeing him fast asleep next to him; almost like déjà vu. It wasn’t unsettling as such though, more like bewilderment that it so happened to be his roommate from Bootcamp that became a member in his band.His band. That in itself was weird, but the fact that the boy he fell asleep next to weeks ago was going to be one of his best friends; that was even weirder.

It wasn’t as strange, waking up to Niall Horan the second time.

~ * ~

They’d gotten this far, they could surely do it again. Liam knew that, he knew they were good enough and they deserved their place. So why was he panicking so much?

It was the morning of the first live show, and Liam was knackered. He couldn’t sleep the night before, at all. His single bed felt so cramped, the duvet was hot and sticking to his skin, and his mind was racing at a hundred miles per hour. He just wanted to scream.

He was tossing and turning, flailing around as inconspicuously as he could but obviously he wasn’t discreet enough. He heard a faint ‘psst’ and his head shot to look around the room. From the top of the bunk bed across the room, two bright blue eyes stared over through the darkness at Liam. Liam questioned the boy, using the Irish-borne name to ask what he wanted. Niall beckoned him over with a waft of the hand, and Liam obeyed.

Of course he obeyed, Niall was his best friend; he’d do anything for him. Liam wouldn’t ever say, but Niall was his favourite in the band. The others all had too many flaws in comparison to Niall.

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