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“I love you so much Niall, you know that?” Zayn breathed out between kisses. Niall smiled into their kiss and opened his eyes “I love you too” he whispered, giggling like a school girl. But then his grin dropped and his eyes filled with tears.

Zayn noticed and assumed that he was pushing Niall into things too quickly “I’m sorry babe. I know this is strange. Look, I need to go and get ready. Meet me later yeah? We can grab some food after the show. Nandos sound good?”

Niall smiled and Zayn pulled away from their embrace, keeping this fingers entwined for as long as possible, until their arms were stretched out and the contact had to be broken.

When Zayn was out of sight, Niall collapsed onto the sofa in his dressing room. Zayn had no idea, nobody did, and Niall was in a total mess. He went into a trance as he sat there, hugging a cushion for comfort, until he was brought back to reality by a gentle knocking on the door. Even his knock is gorgeous- Niall thought to himself as he walked over to open it.

Liam grabbed Niall and lifted him up so that the blond boy’s legs were wrapped around his waist. Their tongues were circling together, fighting each other for dominance; neither of them really wanting to be dominant, but fighting for it nonetheless (because, hey, that’s what lovers do isn’t it?)

Liam broke away first, staring into Niall’s beautiful eyes “I love you Nialler. I love you so much.” Niall got a lump in his throat; he had never heard those words before tonight, but now he had heard them twice….from two different people. He thought he was just messing around with his band mates; the odd blowjob here and there, but never anything serious. Niall loved them both equally, but he had never allowed himself to even think about it in any detail until now- now, he didn’t have a choice. Liam was staring at him expectantly and Niall cleared his throat, trying his hardest not to cry “I love you too Liam. But I have to get ready.” He placed one final kiss on Liam’s lips before untangling himself from his friend.

“Fancy meeting up after the show? We could get something to eat. Nandos maybe?” Liam asked, grinning like a little school girl. Niall had never felt so guilty in his life “Sure.” He said, putting on a huge fake smile as Liam turned and walked out of the room.

Niall slumped back down onto the sofa, pondering how on earth he could get out of this situation. He was in love with two people, both of them loved him and in less than three hours, it might all be out in the open. He was giving himself a headache, just laying there, thinking, until he was interrupted “You can’t go on like this you know? They’ll both find out and they’ll both hate you and that’ll be the end of the band.” Niall looked up to see Louis hovering over him- of course Louis would have figured it out; girls always did have a sixth sense when it came to noticing things like this. “You think I don’t know that Lou? I love them both so much and I couldn’t bear losing either of them. But I’m in a lose-lose situation.” Niall tried to sound angry but instead he just sounded pathetic, like a little brat who couldn’t get his own way. “You have to figure that out for yourself Nialler, but you’d better be quick. Or you’ll lose them both.” Louis gave Niall an empathetic look and a pat on the back before exiting the room, no doubt to go and fuck Harry senseless- Niall thought, and chuckled lightly at the randomness of his mind.


Zayn and Liam were sharing a dressing room- they always did, as Zayn needed constant reassurance from somebody about how amazing he looked. “Hey, Li, I not be coming back with you guys tonight. I’m going out after the show.” Zayn said, looking in the mirror and trying to fix his hair. “Oh where you off to? I’m going to Nandos with Niall, so looks like Lou and Harry will have the place to themselves. I hope they don’t fuck on the table and forget to clean it afterwards like last time- I’ll never forget the look on Niall’s face when his fork was all sticky.” Liam relied, letting out a laugh. Zayn looked confused “What? No, I’m going to Nandos with Niall, sorry mate, you must have your wires crossed. Actually Liam, I’ve been wanted to talk to you for a while actually; you’re my best mate and I hated keeping this from you, but “Niall and I are seeing each other.”

Liam went pale, confusion taking over his whole body “What? Zayn, are you pulling my leg? Has Niall told you?”

“Told me what?” Zayn asked, looking just as confused and slightly hurt that his friend didn’t seem to be taking the news very well.

“Zayn, Niall and I are seeing each other. Actually, we told each other we loved each other just an hour ago.”

“Liam, this isn’t funny. What the fuck? That’s my boyfriend and my relationship you are making jokes about. I thought I could trust you with my biggest secret and you’re just taking the piss.” Zayn was ready to punch Liam now; he had told Liam about his relationship in confidence and he was just being an absolute jerk.

Liam stood up and walked over to Zayn, trying to calm him down in order to reason with him “Zayn, I’m not taking the piss. Niall and I are seeing each other. I get the feeling he’s been stringing us both along.”

Realisation suddenly hit Zayn; all of the times Niall had looked guilty after one of their little rendezvous’, the way Niall had been close to tears earlier that evening… it all made sense. “Right, well then he needs to choose doesn’t he? You meet us both at Nandos tonight and we’ll confront him.” Zayn said and Liam just nodded.


The show went well, none of the boys acted weird with each other and the crowd was amazing. Louis and Harry did their usual flirting and the crowds went mental. Niall sat on Liam’s knee and then on Zayn’s knee and once again the crowds went mad.

After the show, Liam caught up with Niall “Sorry Ni, I’m exhausted, I think I’m gonna have an early night. Why don’t you go to nandos with Zayn or something and we can go tomorrow night?” Niall looked somewhat relieved that Liam had solved his nandos problem and quickly gave the boy a kiss, before going back to his dressing room to get ready for his date with Zayn.

Zayn acted normal with Niall all the way to the restaurant, not once letting on that Liam would be there too. The two boys walked in and then Niall saw him, worry now covering his face. “Oh, look there’s Liam” Zayn grinned, acting completely oblivious to the plan “Let’s go sit with him. Maybe we should tell him about us.”

“Erm, Zayn I don’t feel too good. I think I might just head back to the hotel.” Niall turned around to leave but Zayn grabbed his arm and squeezed, dragging him over to the table that their band mate was sat at “Oww, Zayn, you’re hurting me.” Niall winced as Zayn’s grip grew every tighter.

Zayn threw Niall down into a chair and put his face up close to his, while Liam remained completely silent “We know all about your two-timing you little slut.” Zayn growled and a single tear ran down Niall’s face. “Guys I’m so sorry. Please let me explain.” Niall was stuttering and blushing, Zayn still hovering far too close. Liam pulled the older boy back and made him sit down on the other side of Niall. Liam seemed far calmer as he began speaking “You have to choose Niall. You can’t have us both it’s not fair.”

“But, I love you bo-” he tried to say, but Liam cut him off.

“And don’t go giving us any bullshit about how you love us equally. Neither of us want some dirty little threesome.”

Niall gulped when those words left Liam’s mouth, he was in a total mess and choosing would be absolutely impossible.

“You have 24 hours Niall. We’ll both be waiting in our apartments for you. If you don’t turn up then we’ll know you chose the other person. But there’s no going back once you’ve made your decision Niall.” Zayn said authoritatively. With that, Liam and Zayn both sttod up and left, leaving Niall sitting alone in the restaurant.

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