When I'm Ready {Larry Stylinson One Shot}

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“Niall, for God’s sake, will you just drop it? I’m fine

Harry really should’ve been giving Niall some credit, he was only looking out for Harry after all, but it was just too much sometimes. That constant rabbiting on in his ear telling him that ‘maybe we should wait until next month’ and ‘we can still go home, there’s time’ wasn’t as near as supportive as intended, and quite frankly, it was getting on Harry’s wick.

“I just don’t want anything going wrong!” Niall protested, holding his hands up in surrender as Harry shot him a death glare. They were approaching the quiet pub and just about to enter. The big door was meant to be blue, but had faded into a murky brown. Half of the paint had chipped away, flaking onto the dirty, gum-stuck concrete below their feel.

“For the last time, I am not going to jump his bones!”

“But you said he was hot-“

“Well of course, have you seen his eyes?”

“-And I saw your cheeks go all red-“

“It was hot in the room!”

“-We were in the kitchen so it was far from hot-“

“Well it was the cold then, biting at my skin and shit”

“-I just- argh, Harry!”


“I’m just looking out for you, alright?” Niall’s eyes were bright blue, staring up at him with sincerity and concern and total and utter honesty. Sometimes, Harry wished he could have as detailed eyes as Niall had. His eyes were just boring, murky green. But Niall’s were so bright and clear and they expressed whatever the Irish lad was feeling. But that’s off topic.

“Sure, sure” Harry waved it off, using his other hand to push open the door and enter the stingy pub.

The strong odour of beer mixed in to the almost suffocating heat hit Harry like a ton of bricks. His eyes danced around the room, searching out those eyes that had ingrained themselves into Harry’s mind since the week previous when Niall had whipped out a photo of the boy. He had been instantly drawn to the shining blues and had stored the image deep away in his mind. Of course, that was why Niall had shown him the photo. He hadn’t wanted to introduce him to a new friend and unintentionally set Harry off again into a downward spiral.

God that makes me sound like a druggie or something, Harry thought, and no, before you say anything, I refuse to say that I’m drugged on cum, so shut up.

 The Irish boy, who was close beside him, cheered out as he obviously spotted the boy first. He was about to scamper over to him excitedly, but Harry grasped the middle of his shirt and pulled him close in.

“Don’t mention anything, okay?” He said through gritted teeth. Maybe it was to seem casual and not obvious, or maybe it was that he was somewhat threatening Niall; either way, his quietly spoken words had a tinge of bitterness behind them to convey to Niall that he wasn’t to utter a word about his addiction.

“What- why? S’nothing to be ashame-“

“Just don’t” Harry interrupted quickly, before muttering a breathy “please” which probably wasn’t heard by Niall at all as suddenly they were in front of the old friend and all attention was turned to those blue eyes.

They were nicer - that seemed like such a mediocre word to use in reference to such gems - in real life. They didn’t have that slight pixilation or glare of the sun on the screen as they did on the photo shown by Niall. They were stronger. Maybe more teal splashed in there than Harry had noticed, but still, they weren’t any less pretty as expected.

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