Larry in school {Drabble}

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“Louis will you just stop- oh” Harry murmured before his voice rose in pitch as Louis’ lips nipped at the skin just under his ear. Closing his eyelids lightly, Harry tilted his head to the side so Louis’ lips could nibble on that certain spot that made him lose all his concentration. A high whine strung through the air, floating from Harry’s parted lips when Louis’ tongue swiped through onto the bitten red skin and ceased the sting with the sweetness of his tongue.

When Louis detached himself from Harry’s neck, it was as if the lack of contact sprung Harry back into remembrance and he suddenly noticed the big white sheet that was left with only half the scrawl that was intended to be there. Sighing deeply, Harry went to pick up the dreaded black biro that felt too hot in his fingers when he touched it, like it would burn his skin.

As he tried to set his mind in gear so he could maybe just finally finish the dreaded essay that he’d put off for the month he had to do it, he felt soft presses on the back of his neck.

“Louis, please” Harry complained, “Not now”

“Haaarry” Louis drawled in Harry’s ear.

“Louuuis” Harry bleated back with a distant tone, his hand scribbling furiously on the paper.

“But I want to plaaaay” Louis whined.

Harry scoffed loudly, shaking his head in amusement at Louis’ obvious innuendo that he tried to hide so innocently. “I need to work on this Lou”

Pushing the mass of curls away from Harry’s ear, Louis whispered closely, his hot breath hitting off the skin; “You can work on me if you like…” His straight teeth bit onto Harry’s lobe, easing it down a little, his tongue flicking to touch it lightly for a split second. Harry groaned obscenely, shuffling down in his seat uncomfortably.

“Or I suppose I…could work on you” He whispered dirtily, sliding the hand which wasn’t keeping Harry’s curls out the way, around the chair and down Harry’s body until it rested on the bulging crotch of Harry’s school trousers.

The black material bulged out even more as Louis put more pressure, squeezing down on Harry’s clothed growing erection. Harry’s hips bucked upwards in automatic reaction to increase the pressure. Louis’ fingers trickled at the waistband of Harry’s trousers, still breathing hotly on Harry’s ear.

Please” Harry whimpered, aching to be touched. His fingers were clutching at the pen so tightly his skin looked bright white.

“Put down your pen” Louis muttered. Harry obeyed immediately, dropping it on the desk with a clatter.

“Put away your books” Harry pushed his books away quickly, pushing his hands over Louis’ as soon as the books were out of sight, pressing down and sighing in relief.

Now fuck me


Louis spied from behind the wall, peeping around the corner at the sight not too far away. Casey, the head cheerleader was stood next to Harry, well- more like draped over him, chatting away animatedly. Her bright blonde hair was pulled into a neat ponytail, no strand out of place, the end swishing down the back of her neck. Her fingers clutched at the end, twisting it around her finger and she pretended to look engaged in Harry’s reply.

God she made Louis’ skin crawl. Her high pitched laugh speared through the air, drowning out Harry’s quiet chuckle. It probably wasn’t even that funny - Louis thought.It was so nasally and sharp, probably from the nose job she had last year.

Casey was rich. Too rich. She had everything she wanted; popularity being the main aspect. Louis could tell she looked down on him over her pinched nose, she always had. He was the type of person you knew the name of, but never really used it; never bothering to speak to him. Harry was an anomaly of that though, he spoke to Louis, a lot - except when they were fucking and he just couldn’t form any coherent sentence.

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