Home is where the heart is {Larry One Shot}

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Summary: Louis, at the tender age of 18, stormed the music world with his soft voice and crazy personality. Five years later and he’s still as famous as ever, touring and promoting the majority of the time. One thing, however, has changed. He’s no longer the boy who flitted from one celebrity date to another; he’s settled down. With an ordinary boy, from a small town. And with that ordinary boy, Harry is his name, he created his own little family.

Louis flopped on the bed with a heavy sigh. He pulled the towel which lay around his neck and wiped his forehead where the beads of water dripped from his hair. It was silly o’clock at night and his shower hadn’t calmed him down whatsoever. He could still feel the concert lurking on his skin from the show only a few hours previous, no water could get rid of that after show buzz.

He wanted his eyes to droop and he wanted to drift off into the land of dreams so for the first time in weeks he’d get a good night’s sleep. Weeks of travelling on a tour bus, sleeping in a cramped bunk , well, it took its toll on the young singer’s state. After a show, all he wanted was to drop off into sleep, and he usually did; but the next morning he woke up feeling as shitty as ever.

Now, Louis was in a plush, luxurious hotel room with the comfiest bed he’d had in ages; and he couldn’t even make use of it.

His mind was running around in circles, thinking about the show; how that girl in row three cried all the way through, especially when Louis flashed her that famous grin; thinking about how he was actually kind of peckish and could really do with some fish and chips, regardless of the time of night it was; and thinking about how fucking much he missed home.

The thought of home was a tender subject for Louis, kind of a taboo subject within his road team. Nobody was allowed to mention family, or more like Louis’ family. He didn’t mind it as much when Paul, his manager, bantered on about his wife and how he couldn’t wait to bring her home whichever gift he’d just bought for her; but anything starting with a H, with three letters in between and ending in a Y was not allowed to be mentioned, along with a word beginning in S, having eight letters in the middle and ending in an E.

The whole team realised this when Jennie mentioned casually how her Mum had seen Harry down the shops with Stephanie the day prior and Louis had in turn burst into tears and took hours to calm down. It was embarrassing for Louis, but none of the team minded - it was just what came with the job. He’d toured before whilst being in a relationship with Ha-him and obviously it was tough, but it wasn’t as bad as this tour. Not only was it a tour at the other side of the world, but it was a tour away from his little baby and it killed Louis to be apart from her.

They knew when they adopted her that things were going to be like this, they knew it would be tricky, but that didn’t stop them signing those papers and taking her home. The heartbreak of leaving her was overwhelming, but having her was well worth it. It wasn’t like Louis had to worry about her too much because she had her other Daddy with her, and Louis knew that he would look after her perfectly. That didn’t stop him sending frantic texts when he didn’t get a reply from his fiancé because he was always going to worry about them.

Unlocking his phone, Louis noticed the little box lighting up the screen indicating he had a message. His heart clenched - with happiness and a general bound of homesickness - as he noticed the name ‘Harry’ flashing on the screen and he eagerly uploaded the message.

From: My beautiful fiancé

Hey love, I was just wondering if you were up for a call? Xxxxxx

Louis grinned brightly, the thought of hearing that voice he pined for all the time setting fire inside his belly.

To: My beautiful fiancé

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