Chapter 14

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A week after that, I was finally eight months pregnant. Four more weeks, and I was done. Well not completely done. Quite frankly, I wasn’t even sure I was gonna give the baby to Cat or not. But I had a strong sense to keep my baby, because, there was no way I would let Seymour have anything to do with my baby boy. Anyway I had just come from the doctor. He told me, I was doing great. Everything was healing as it should, and my baby was healthy. I had been stuck in the house for a whole week, trying to heal. An did pay off. I was feeling better. I wasn’t as sore, and I could move now without worrying about pain. I was at the doctor’s office. I needed to call Paige, tell her I’m ready. I walked up to the receptionist desk and asked to use the phone. She let me. I dialed Paige’s number.

“Hello” Paige said.

“Hey babe, umm I’m ready” I said.

“Oh great, I’ll be there in a few. So how’d it go” Paige asked.

“Umm it was good. The doctor said I’m doing great. Everything is fine” I said.

“That’s great, so look since you’re better now. Do you think we can go out this weekend” Paige asked.

“Sure, I mean yeah that’d be great. I been in the house all week anyway, I need to get out” I said.

“Good, because you remember I told you, about that chick from my church, who’s also a lesbian. Who liked pregnant women ya know” Paige said.

“Yeah I remember when we went on that retreat” I said.

“Yeah her. She doesn’t believe I had this hot pregnant girlfriend. She thinks I made you up. But I’ll show her. Anyway I’ll be there in like 5 minutes” Paige said.

“Ok babe” I said.

“I love you Lydia” Paige said.

“I love you Paige. Bye” I said hanging up. I thanked the receptionist, sat down and waited for Paige. Paige got there fast.

“Hey” Paige said.

“Hey” I said with a smile.

“So I set up our date with that girl I was telling you about, and we are to meet them around seven at some lounge downtown” Paige said.

“Ok cool. Also Jenny called me and asked for you” Paige said.

“What did she want” I asked.

“She told me that you told her that you promised her a double date, and she has yet to get that double date. So I told her, we’d meet her tomorrow, at this restaurant at seven” Paige said.

“So wait we’ve been asked on two separate double dates” I said.

“Yeah” Paige said.

“Oh so that means we’re an awesome couple right” I said.

“It does” Paige said. So I was super excited about my date with Paige tonight. She took me home. Told me to get ready for tonight, and she would be back to get me in a few. After she left, I went up to my room, and started getting ready. I was trying to decided on a dress to wear, and I heard the doorbell ring. Byrd was downstairs, and she answered. I went back to picking out a dress for tonight. I looked in the mirror, I was huge. I was freaking huge. My stomach, oh gosh my stomach was bigger than a beach ball by now. But I didn’t look so bad.

“Lydia, you have a visitor” Byrd said.

“Send’em up” I called thinking it was Paige.

“Hi Lydia” Cat said standing in my doorway. I was in my bra and panties. I was trying to find something to wear.

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