Chapter 5

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After that absolutely amazing night with Paige. We could barely get enough of each other. I mean it was like the honeymoon phase. Also the more I got to know, and dated Paige, the more possessive I saw she was. She was very jealous, she even questioned me about Cat. She didn’t like Cat, she said she was just too close to me. She didn’t like the way Cat looked at me either. She said it was something in Cat’s eyes, that she didn’t like. Cat wanting me? Hahahahahaha! I had to laugh at that. Cat barely liked me, let alone wanted me. And when I told Paige that I couldn’t hang with her on Friday, because Cat invited me to her dinner, and expected me to be there. She was highly upset.

“You can’t go with her babe! I want you to be with me on Friday” Paige said as we drove to her place. I had just gotten off work at the butcher’s shop.

“Please, I told her I’d be there. She’s gonna be to pick me up. I promise there’s nothing going on between us. She doesn’t want me, and I don’t want her. I’m just having her baby, after the baby is born, you’ll never see her again. You can’t be mad” I said as she pulled in her driveway. She put the car in park, yanked her keys from the ignition, and stormed off without a word. She went in the house, I was right behind her.

“Paige! Are you serious right now? It’s only a dinner. Come on now” I said. She went to the back. Without saying a word to me. I followed to the back.

She began to get out of her uniform. She took her shirt off. She looked so good, I wanted eat her right there and then.

“I don’t like her. I don’t want you going with her anywhere. You’re my girlfriend, and I wanna hang with you this weekend! And you dump me for some other woman!” Paige shouted at me. She was being so freaking jealous right now, it was getting annoying.

I sat on the couch, she couldn’t be serious right now? I took a deep breathe, and let it out slowly. My boy started kicking me. I put my hand on my stomach, and took a deep breathe.

“It’s only a dinner. Not a orgy party. Not a freaking date, it’s only dinner. I’ll go in I’ll say hey how you doing. Smile at everyone, I eat, then I go home. That’s it! Nothing more Paige! It’s nothing more!” I said.

“Whatever!” Paige said walking off. Ok forget it! Forget it!

“If you’re gonna be like that, then I’m leaving! You’re being ridiculous, and I hate it when you’re ridiculous! I’m leaving, call me when you get your freaking head straight!” I shouted as I got up and left. I caught the bus home. I had to remove myself from the situation before I got too upset. Paige was being ridiculous. She was being utterly possessive, and extremely jealous. All the things I don’t want. Once I got to my room, and I laid in bed. And just as I was about to dose off, there was a knock on my door. Are you serious?

“Come in” I said.

“Hi doll!” Sadie said plopping next to me.

“Hey” I said.

“Man this room is nice!” Sadie said looking around.

“Yeah thanks” I said.

“Byrd was living large in here, no wonder she never came out. Want a popsicle” Sadie said

“Sure” I said.

“Blue Raspberry, or grape” Sadie asked.

“Blue Raspberry” I said. She handed me the popsicle.

“So what’s going on” Sadie asked.

“Nothing just had this huge blow up with my girlfriend, and it’s all so crazy” I said licking my Popsicle.

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