Chapter 17

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“Hey Lydia” Jenny said plopping down beside me on my bed.

“Hi” I said.

“Why you sound so down Snuggle Bunny” Jenny said.

“I’m bummed” I said.

“Why?” Jenny asked.

“I’m afraid to have sex with my girlfriend” I said staring at the ceiling.

“Why is that Snuggle Bunny?” Jenny said.

“Because she has this weird condition where she passes out, when she orgasms” I said.

“What?” Jenny said confused.

“She has a condition where she passes out when she gets too excited” I said.

“That’s so weird, poor Cat, so she can’t orgasm” Jenny said.

“Yeah she can, she just passes out for a moment or two” I said.

“That’s messed up. But why would that stop you from having sex. She passes out 15 second or so, wake up, and you guys can jump right back into it” Jenny said.

“But Jenny it’s so weird, like it’s like she dies, then comes back to life” I said.

“So she dies in pleasure, then rises back to life. Pretty cool if you ask me” Jenny said.

“Jenny still it’s weird, and the first time she did it, it was like I had no idea what was going on. So I was basically just freaking out” I said.

“Oh Snuggle Bunny, does Cat want sex now” Jenny asked.

“Yeah she wants it” I said.

“Well give her what she wants. Snuggle Bunny, if you don’t please Cat, she’ll find somebody who will. And let me tell you, some horny bastard won’t mind the passing out” Jenny said.

“Oh I don’t know Jenny, I don’t even know what I’m doing with Cat” I said.

“Snuggle Bunny, I know you are very hurt that Paige dumped you. Ok I get it. But Snuggle Bunny, you can’t live there forever, some stuff you just gotta let go. And you should know if it was meant to be, then it would have lasted. But since that’s over, it’s time you move on” Jenny said.

“I suppose you’re right but still it just don’t feel right you know. It’s weird” I said.

“It gets better, just give it time” Jenny said.

“I guess. How are you and what’s his face” I asked

“Ernesto, we are great. We had sex in the women’s restroom at this restaurant. It was so awesome” Jenny said.

“Sex in public places, are you serious? Naughty” I said.

“It was so great. He had pinned up against the wall, my legs wrapped around him, and oh my gosh it was so good. You should’ve been there” Jenny said.

“Umm no I don’t think I would have wanted to be there” I said.

“Oh yeah you’re right, but if we were having a threesome, eh it would’ve worked” Jenny said nudging playfully.

“You’re just so nasty” I laughed.

“ I know right. But yeah you should definitely have sex with Cat, if she wants it. And if the passing out isn’t dangerous or a threat to her health, then it should be no problem” Jenny said.

“Maybe I will” I said.

“Well Snuggle Bunny, the best of luck to you. But I have to go, I’m meeting Ernesto, maybe we could have sex in the park this time” Jenny laughed.

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