Chapter 19

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“Anyone here for Catalina Goldwine” the doctor said. 

“Me!” I said jumping up. 

“Yes hi, oh hey Lydia” the doctor said with a smile. Then I looked at the doctor, and it the same doctor who performed my brain surgery, Dr. Montgomery. 

“Hey, so what’s going on with Cat” I asked. 

“Well the surgery was longer then expected, we had a few complications, but they were fixed. Umm she should be fine, but we won’t know for sure until she wakes up. But for right now, she’s in stable condition, and she’s ok, and she should wake up in a few, although it make take longer for her to wake up because we did some serious work on her brain, so it make take awhile” the doctor said. 

“Well can I at least see her” I asked. 

“Sure, she should be back in her room, in just a few” Dr. Montgomery said. 

“Ok thank you doctor” I said. Eventually I got to go to Cat’s room, and see her. She looked so peaceful, with her eyes shut, like  a delicate flower. 

I stood by her bedside, and I held her hand. 

“You gotta wake up. I know you will, it’ll just take time. But you’ll wake up, and you’ll be just fine” I said with a smile. I stayed with Cat the whole day, and she did not wake. But I did not worry for this was just one day, and there was no need to panic.  I stayed with Cat all day.  I spent the night at the hospital that night. The nurses gave me a comfy foldable bed, to sleep on. In the morning everything would be better, it just had to. I laid in my bed, and stared at Cat, and watched as her chest heave rhythmically as she breathed. The heart monitor beeped in a constant beat. I watched Cat as she slept, and I just knew she was going to be ok, she just had to. I eventually fell asleep, 

      The next morning I awoke tom someone gently shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes, and was immediately blinded by the bright sun that was shining through the window. I turned over to see Cat smiling at me. 

“Cat, you’re up” I said wide awake now. 

“I’m up” she said with a smile. 

“You feeling ok” I said. 

“I feel fine” Cat said still smiling. 

“Wow, you’re really up” I said.

“I told you I’d be back, you just had to give me time” Cat said. 

“I know, and I knew you would” I said. 

“You spent the night” Cat said. 

“I did, I wanted to be here” I said. 

“I’m glad you’re here” Cat said. I got out of bed, and stretched. 

“I’m glad you’re here too” I said giving her a kiss. Soon the doctor came , gave Cat a check-up. He said she was fine. She was fully functional, her vitals were great, she was doing good so far. But he said he would keep her just for observation, and to be absolutely sure, that she was ok. Which I didn’t mind at all. Cat and me talked some, chatted some. Laughed some, ate breakfast together, and soon I had to be at work. I told Cat I could call in again, she told me no, and to go to work. So I asked if she needed anything before I left, she said she was perfect, so I left.  First I did six hours at the café, and then nine hours at the butcher’s shop. I stayed in over time because Mitch had gotten backed up since I been gone. So he needed help filling orders, and get stuff straight, plus we had a lot of meat to cut up. I was so tired after that, I could barely stand up. Since I was now getting in the latter part of my pregnancy, it seemed like everything was getting just a little bit harder to do with each day.  I couldn’t wait for this baby to drop, he was wearing me down bad. As soon as I got off work, I called Cat. 

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