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“Oh Lydia, I‘m so excited. I can‘t wait to give Dylan his gift today”  Emmy beamed. 

“Yeah babe, me either. Go ahead finish eating, you still have to get dressed. If you don’t hurry we’ll be late”  I said. Today was a big day. First off it was Dylan’s birthday.  He’s turning 5! Yay!  The big five. He was having a pool party at Presley’s place.   I was currently feeding the babies. Made Emmy lunch, and Dylan was now eating chicken, and green beans puree. Yes my little man was now six months, and eating his puree food. He really liked to eat.  He had an amazing appetite. I was afraid maybe he’d be morbidly obese or something like that. But according to his doctor, Landon is just fine, just a baby with an appetite, which is good.  So yeah it was way cool.  He was big happy baby with a head full of fire red hair.  I loved him so much. 

“Done Lydia” Emmy said with a mouth full of food. 

“Ok yeah chew and swallow that, then you can go get in your clothes” I said. 

Emmy nodded as she chewed as fast as she could.  She was really excited about this party. I was too but I was more excited about my other event today. Yeah two events, one day.  Today was huge because well my lady Presley, was retiring from her job. That’s right! Sweet Red will be no more.  She’s turning in her bustier, and sky high stilettos, for   an apple and a ruler. No she’s not measuring apples, actually she’s finally gonna pursue  her career as a teacher.  I was actually really thrilled about that. I mean I never minded her  being a stripper, I figured it was pretty hot.  But she told me that she wanted to do so because like she said before, she don’t want to do it all her life. She actually really enjoyed her job as a stripper, to be honest I did too. But umm ya know  time to let it go.  So Hot Nights, the club she worked at for the last  five years  is giving her a going away party tonight. Like her final grand finally. I was excited about that, get to see my lady perform one more time on the stage.  

After this, only show she’ll be giving is in the bedroom, and I’ll be her only audience.   Emmy finished chewing,  and went upstairs to get dressed.  I had already laid out her swim suit, and her outfit for the day. Landon finished off his chicken and peas. He smiled delighted since his belly was now full.  I wiped his mouth with his bib, then took it off. 

“Now it’s time to get you dressed in your best party clothes” I said as I lifted him out of his high chair. 

I carried my boy upstairs so we could get dressed. 

After Landon was dress, I got dressed. I wore my bikini under  my clothes. 

“Emmy are you dressed yet” I said stepping out my bathroom, and into my bedroom. 

I didn’t see Emmy, anywhere.

“Emmy?” I called

“Move Chip, give me my shoe!”  Emmy fussed. I walked around to the other side of my bed. Emmy was on the floor, playing tug of war for her shoe with Chip. You remember Jenny’s puppy Chip right? 

“Chip! Stop stealing shoes” I sighed as I pulled Emmy’s shoe loose. Chip was bigger now, and he chewed up everything. He was fun to have around, the kids enjoyed him, it was just he chewed everything he could reach. 

I'm Having Her Baby (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now