Chapter Three

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I HUFFED AS I WALKED DOWN THE MAIN ROAD TO THE CARTOGRAPHERS TENT the next morning. I was still extremely overpowered from last night's events. I couldn't stop tightening my hold on my coat, couldn't stop thinking about the way the General looked at me, and most definitely couldn't stop thinking about my name falling from his lips, the way it had. I wanted to so desperately remove him from my thoughts, but I couldn't. I lost count of the number of times I had thought of him since then. In a way it was extremely annoying but yet intoxicating.

I let out a sigh when I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you all morning?" Mal said.

"I have been everywhere," I mumbled tiredly, pushing his arms off of me, "Woah, either you haven't gotten enough sleep or your just sick and tired of me." Mal laughed.

I snickered, "You are annoying,"

He glanced at me and smiled, "It's ironic, isn't it?" He smirked smugly.

I scoffed, "Great to know you think so highly of yourself." I peered over at Mal who rolled his eyes playfully.

"I do," He laughed, "but I think I'm also unique because I have a friend who's different from anyone, yes?" I didn't know what he meant by that, so I just shrugged with a, "Sure."

We continued our walk in silence, watching as carts filled with soldiers heading out to the fjerdan borders drive past us. There were at least four carts pass by when we had a run in with one of the trackers from Mal's unit, Markus Debraus, a tracker that thought so highly of himself above others, selfishly annoying and competitive, his eyes were grey with a tint of green, broad shouldered but fairly slim, and hair as black as the shadow fold.

"Won't you look at that? Oretsev has a girlfriend." He jested, looking me from head to toe as if I was prey.

His friends laughed. "She's not the prettiest thing but I'm pretty sure she'd be good in bed isn't that right boys?" he was taunting Mal, but his ever never left mine. Disgusting.

"Why don't you come closer little one, so that we can have a better look at what you've got to serve," Markus said lowly, in a seductive tone,  as he stood before me, twirling a piece of my dark brunette hair around his pointer finger.

"How about you shut the hell up pig," I scowled up at him, taking a couple steps back.

Markus looked over his shoulder at his friends, "She speaks boys." His friends I didn't know, I'd seen them around Markus, but I'd never talked to them.

"I'd rather be in a ditch then have anything to do with you bastard," I hissed, "Now get away from us." 

He shrugged his shoulders turning his gaze to Mal who was now glaring draggers at him. "What's wrong Oretsev? Don't like that I'm offering your girl some real fun." Mal took a step closer to Markus.

Mal grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him protectively. "I'll give you a five seconds start Debraus. If you don't move, I'll throw the first punch." Mal threatened, now standing face to face with him.

Markus smirked stepping back gesturing around his surroundings, "Do it, I dare you."

Mal charged at him getting him right in the jaw before I could grab him. I gasped taking several steps back before a circle started to form around them. They started cheering Markus and Mal on with. "Get him!" And "Get it where it hurts!" I looked around frantically, no.

Markus grabbed Mal by the shoulders and head butted him sending Mal's head flying back with a grunt. Once Mal recovered though, he went flying towards Markus aiming at his lower half taking him down to the ground with little effort. Mal punched Markus's square in the nose over and over until his nose was bleeding, the crowd continued to grow, and my heart rate started to pick up. I didn't know what to do all of this started because of me.

"Mal!" I shouted but he didn't hear me, he continued to punch him.

Markus managed to flip them so know he was sending punches at Mal getting him where Mal had previously started. Mal grunted, but Markuses punches continued to get harder and harder nothing like Mal's had. I pushed through the crowd shouting after Mal as I realized his struggles getting weaker and weaker. I pushed and pushed until I got through the crowed and ran up to Markus grabbing at his neck and arm that had been going in to send a punch.

"Get off him!" I shouted but Markus shook me off by elbowing me in the nose. I screeched, hitting the ground as blood poured from my nose down onto the ground. The shouting got louder and louder again, encouraging Mal and Markus.

I felt rage fuel my body, a burning sensation building in the pit of my stomach rising to the surface; nothing that I'd never felt before. I got to my knees my arms spreading wide, and then the power unleashed as fast as lightning could strike. A bright like exploded from my body making people scream in agony, making them fly back. A light that was as bright as a star,
It exploded in every direction, like a thunderstorms wind blowing and thrashing, but as soon as it happened it ended. Faster than my brain could comprehend, my arms fell to my sides my breaths coming out in heavy pants, body trembling in pain. My thoughts plunged at me making my eyes widen, I looked around frantically. Everyone was looking at me with eyes wide and fearful.

What had I done? A wave of utter fear washed over me as I looked towards the ground. A black mist creeping around the ground. shadows creeping up and over the other lolling over me. No—

My breathing became more frantic. I looked over to Mal as his eyes found mine, a tear of fear rolled down my cheek.

He backed away from me, eyes open and frantic, "Mal—" I whispered.

"What in the saints is going on here?" The Lieutenant shouted, walking through the crowd of people. The darkling walking beside him.

His eyes found mine, the shadows continuing to loom overhead in a threatening matter.

Markus got to his feet backing away towards the Lieutenant. "Sh—She tried to kill me!" He pointed at me his whole-body trembling as blood poured from his nose.

My bottom lip trembled. "She's a witch!" He shouted.

I tried to move away from the shadows, but they followed me. My eyes met the General and he was looking at me with a blank expression, but his lips twitched slightly. He began to move closer and closer to me until he was standing over me.

"Another Shadow Summoner!" Someone shouted from within the crowd.

My eyes stayed glued to the Generals as he knelt before me on the ground. His hand reached out to me. "Take my hand," he whispered. I looked down to his hand, hesitating and looking back up to him, He nodded.

I lifted my shaking hand to his, his fingers closed around my hand gently and I gasped as an overwhelming power rushed through me. My eyes still on his, the shadows slowly beginning to melt away slowly until there was nothing left but me and him.

My whole body felt weak when my hand was pulled away from his, my vision blurring and then everything around me started to fade into darkness. The last thing I remember was landing into a pair of arms.

To be continued......


1,774 words written.

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