Chapter Twenty

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THE NEXT TWO DAYS GO BY WITH NOT A WORD FROM ALEKSANDER, YET AGAIN. I felt concerned, I hadn't even seen Ivan around. I spent a lot of my days training with Baghra than I did back in the palace. But Baghra was starting to push me around like I was a rag doll. It was mid-summer now, but the weather was starting to cool slightly which told me fall was going to be creeping up on us soon.

By this point on in my training I was beginning to know how to form small balls of light in my palm, it still wasn't as easy though. I still struggled to make it form; it took longer to do that then to physically punch someone in the face and— it was stupid. I still didn't understand why it was so difficult to create such small energy. But I'd figured it was because I wasn't like most Grisha... in fact I had nothing in common with any other Grisha but the Darkling.

I reached my arms out in front of me lifting my arm out and squinted my brows as I began to call and push for my power to form a small ball of light in my palms. Baghra was stalking around me with her cane in hand, watching me carefully.

But that was the problem: She watched me like an animal stalking its prey and it was very unnerving. I had to pretend she wasn't even there most times because I couldn't think or even really put my mind to it. The moments past slowly before a small glow began to illuminate the room. The light in my palm was increasing in size and I brought up my other hand over top of the light letting my fingers slowly close slightly, the light began to oblige to my command slowly before the ball was formed.

"Impressive....your nowhere near ready," Baghra said sternly. I wanted to make a remark, but I didn't because I knew she was right. I let out a huff letting the light depart from me. "You're not very encouraging, aren't you?"

Baghra took a few steps closer to me, I wanted to cower back inside, but I didn't want to give her that satisfaction let alone know that I am scared of her. "What had you expected coming into my home? a treat every time you did something correct? A good ear rub?"

I glared down at her, "No.... I wasn't expecting to be treated like a dog. The opposite actually you know more like human and not a toy you can abuse to satisfy yourself with." She snorted at my response. "Do you really think you're the only one who gets the pleasure of me beating them. Hate to break it to you you're not. Get a better look at your surroundings girl, do you wonder why everyone else in this saint forsaken place is better at their abilities than you? It's because I trained them all each and every one of them individually. I didn't play nice with them when they were all little... but they knew why... because to be a teacher means you have to show them who's in charge and who they are dealing with and, I showed them. They learnt their places and look at them now. Strong. That's why I'm known to be the best teacher in Grisha history because I knew how to put them in their place."

I gulped down the lump in my throat as she continued, "I haven't taught a student since I lost my son." Baghra took her eyes off of me. "I don't even know why I accepted you in the first place."

"You are nowhere near destroying the fold." We stood in silence for a few minutes, "You are holding onto something," She turned to me, eyes hooded, "You are holding onto something that destroyed you. What is it?" She stalked over to me grabbing my wrist. "Tell me,"

My eyes widen. My mind went to my father, went to Mal. "You've grieved. You lost someone in your life very important." I went to speak but she cut me off. "Don't lie."

I tried to say something, but no words came out. She was right again. "Let go," Her hand released my wrist. "Stop grieving." I felt something arise inside of me. It was fury.

"Whoever you lost is gone. You need to let go they mean nothing to this world now." And then I lost it. "Shut up!"

"Shut up!" I shouted in her face. "You have no idea what I've gone through. You have no idea what pain I've had to hide to show people I wasn't weak. You don't know what it's like to watch the only family I had left die in front of my own eyes. So shut up!" My body shook, Shadows ingulfed the corners of the hut.

I didn't have control over myself. I let out a chocking sob and ran out of the hut as fast as my feet would allow me. It was obvious the Shadows followed me. They crept up the trees twisting a turning showing my rage. I don't think I've ever felt such anger fuel me in my life. I've always been able to control it but now... I don't think I could.

I didn't go back to the Little Palace. I didn't want them to see me like this, so I kept to myself walking around the pond at the little palace. I was happy to find it abandoned once I got there.... I wasn't really in a talking mood. I'd managed to calm myself down, but I felt bad. I shouldn't have taken Baghra's 'advice' so personally. She was right, and I think that's what set me off. I needed to move on; I hated thinking of my father's death. It was plotted, but I hated that I had to watch it. I felt tears prickle the corner of my lids and I had to wipe them away quickly and scold myself for thinking of him.

I'd been debating on going back to the hut. But I decided against it because quit honesty I didn't know how to face Baghra again after what happened.

I didn't stay at the pond long before I found myself making my way into Aleksander's studies. I knew I shouldn't be going into his personal quarters, but I didn't feel like going anywhere else. I peeked my head in but didn't see him or anyone.

I wondered into the room shutting the door quietly behind me as I walked over to the table of maps that were gathered and spread around the the table. There were pinpoints and red dotes connecting to Kribirsk and Fjerda, even Shu Han was on their which made me wonder or hope that didn't mean they were involving themselves in the border issues. Paperwork and notes, Government forms, it was all there.

But then an envelope caught my attention. I walked around the table and grasped it. I opened it slowly to find pictures. A white stag.

My eyes widen. That drawling looked familiar. The stag looked familiar. A stag, a while cathedral with golden eagles, A bird, and me. I dropped the envelope back onto the table as fast as I'd opened it and gasped out as everything turned into a blur.

The Stag was standing before me; bulky and large. It's big brown eyes staring into my own with a twinkle, fur as white as snow. The antlers bigger than any other stags. I reached forward slowly. The stag took a step back, making my arm stop mid-way. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The stag started into my eyes for several seconds before stepping towards me. My hand met its nose. I laughed quietly under my breath, staring up at it; but then there was something else power surged through me and exploded into the air creating a dome. I let my eyes wander back to the creature.

But that's when I realized... an Amplifier. I let my hand fall to my sides the powerful feeling leaving my body as fast as it had come. "It's you."

"I've dreamt about you." I whispered staring up at it. "But— that's impossib—"

I heard a branch snap behind me and then I heard a voice. "Find it!"

I turned back to the stag quickly, "Go!" I shouted. Another branch snapped and that's when the stag got the message. The stag huffed out a long breath before turning and running down a pathway leaving me alone in the snow.

"I found something!" Another voice shouted. I felt panic well up in me... please don't be the stag they found...

"Kill it!" Another voice shouted and then a gun shot went off and everything around me went black with a scream.

To be continued......

Words written:
1,500 words.

Not the best chapter I've written but it's about time things start escalating. Also thank you for 20k! And I can't believe I'm already at Chapter Twenty.

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃, aleksander morozova 1Where stories live. Discover now